Policy Library
- Human Resources
Access to Personnel Files
Employees who wish access to their personnel files must contact the Office of Human Resources at least 24 hours in advance requesting to review their files.
Adoption Leave
The University is committed to supporting best practice in relation to adoption leave to enable working parents to balance the needs of work and family life. The University recognizes that parents appreciate flexibility in how they provide care for their children and makes provision to support this.
Advertising for Employment
The University is required by law to follow certain guidelines such as the Equal Employment Opportunity when seeking candidates to fill university positions.
Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
Adelphi University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination regarding all educational, student programs and employment actions and further commits not to discriminate against any individual on the basis of an individual's race, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable local, state or federal laws.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
It is the policy of Adelphi University to provide reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments when necessary.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: Collecting, Classifying, and Publishing
The University is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonable and practicable, the security and safety of all students, staff, visitors and contractors whilst using and accessing the University campus.
Anti-Discrimination, Harassment (including Sexual Misconduct/Title IX) and Retaliation Policy
A court ruling recently rescinded the 2024 Title IX regulations and guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights on January 31, 2025 requires that all colleges and universities follow the 2020 Title IX regulations. This policy is currently undergoing revisions, but adheres to the principles and requirements of the 2020 Title IX regulations. For policy-specific questions and guidance, please consult with the Title IX office.
University employees, students, affiliates, and visitors who engage in prohibited behavior shall be held accountable under University policy and local, state, and federal law. Any employee or student who commits prohibited behavior may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal or expulsion, as well as arrest and prosecution.
University employees should dress appropriately to their duties, with no negative impact on the University’s image – and whenever possible, with a positive impact on that image.
Appointment Letters
Each applicant who is offered a part-time (non-faculty) or full-time position and has accepted employment with the University must, at the time of appointment, receive a letter of appointment.
At Will Employment
All employees of Adelphi University, except for those exceptions described below, are employed on an “at will” basis.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is the policy of the University that employees report for duty at the assigned time and place, remain on duty during scheduled work hours, and accurately report hours worked and leave taken in accordance with State and Federal law.
Background Check
The University is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for the campus community. The University can better promote safety and security by obtaining information produced by background checks. Federal, state, and local regulations may also require background checks for specific individuals and/or positions covered under this policy.
Benefit Insurance Plans
The University offers eligible employees, retirees, and dependents a diversified suite of benefit plans (“Benefit Plans”) from which they may elect coverage.
Bereavement (Funeral) Leave
University employees are provided with paid time off for making arrangements, settling family affairs, bereavement, and/or attending the funeral or memorial service of a member of the immediate family.
Bleacher Inspection Safety
Adelphi University bleachers must be inspected in order to ensure safety at university events.
Changing an Employee’s Classification
The University is committed to fostering the growth and development of its employees.
Classification of Employees
This policy describes the various classifications of positions in terms of Fair Labor Standards Act employment designations (exempt or nonexempt) and employee status definition.
Employees who wish access to their personnel files must contact the Office of Human Resources at least 24 hours in advance requesting to review their files.
Conflict of Interest
An actual Conflict of Interest arises in a situation where financial or other personal or professional considerations compromise an individual’s objectivity, professional judgment, professional integrity, and/or ability to perform his or her professional responsibilities to the University.
Consensual Relationship Policy
This policy establishes rules for the conduct of consensual relationships between employees and between employees and students, including supervisory personnel, in an attempt to prevent conflicts and maintain a productive and professional work environment.
Defined Contribution Retirement Plan 403(b)
The 403(b) Retirement Plan for faculty and staff (the 403(b) Plan) is a defined contribution plan under Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Dependent Care Spending Account
The Dependent Care Spending Account allows employees to pay for eligible dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars.
Distribution of Literature
It is the University’s policy to forbid distribution of advertising material, commercial or charitable solicitations, merchandise catalogs, handbills, or materials of a political or potentially adversarial nature on the premises.
Docking an Exempt Employee’s Pay
The University prohibits improper deductions from pay and considers improper deductions as serious violations of University policy.
Drug and Alcohol
Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning community for all its members. The University recognizes that the improper and excessive use of alcohol and other drugs may interfere with the University's mission by negatively affecting the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.
Emergency Condition
This policy sets forth procedures for the closure of the University due to inclement weather and guiding protocols for emergencies.
Employee HIPAA Privacy Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish appropriate guidelines in handling private health care information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Employee Information Changes
This policy sets forth the process for updating and changing employee information within University systems.
Employee Recognition
Recognition shows employees they are valuable contributors to accomplishing Adelphi University’s mission. This policy establishes standards, considerations, and approval processes for employee recognition.
Employees Taking Classes During Working Hours
Eligible Adelphi University employees are allowed to enroll in classes and related laboratories each academic year except during their normal work hours.
Employment of Minors
State, as well as Federal Law, regulates the employment of minors. No child under the age of 16 may be employed by the University. Employment of those between the ages of 16 and 18 years of age must comply with all applicable state and federal regulations surrounding the employment of minors.
Employment Verification
Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for its students, faculty and staff. Therefore, the University will conduct pre-employment background investigations on all individuals for whom employment is to be tendered.
Exit Interview
The University is committed to providing quality programs and a good working environment for all employees. Exit interviews can be an important tool for gathering the kinds of information about the success of Human Resources programs.
Family and Medical Leave
The University will grant eligible employees leave under the FMLA for up to 12 workweeks during any 12-month period.
General Rules of Conduct
This policy lists the following conduct which is prohibited on University premises or at University events, wherever they may occur.
Health and Safety Policy
It is University policy to comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental protection laws, regulations and requirements.
Healthcare Spending Account
Health Care Spending Account contributions are taken directly from your pay before federal, most state and city income and social security taxes are deducted.
Adelphi University provides paid holidays to university staff scheduled to work 25 or more hours per week. These holidays include both designated and discretionary holidays.
Hours of Work
Because of the differing nature of our business, departmental guidelines determine employee scheduling needs and should be communicated to employees as part of their orientation.
Jury Duty
Employees are encouraged to serve on jury duty and fulfill their court-related, civic obligations. The University provides regular faculty or staff members paid time off to do so without change in status or loss of pay.
Lunch Breaks
Break and meal periods are intended to give an employee a chance to renew attention and energy after working for an extensive period so that he or she can remain productive and efficient in performing assigned tasks.
Military Leave
The University will provide unpaid leave time to employees who are called to active or training service in the Uniformed Services of the United States.
Minimum Wage
This policy describes how the University sets the minimum wage pay for employees to be in compliance with applicable federal laws.
Nepotism Policy
This policy addresses the potential perception of favoritism, preferential treatment or the appearance of conflicts in hiring relatives for faculty, staff and students.
New Employee Onboarding
Onboarding programs assist staff in understanding institutional values and culture, and as a result, encourage commitment to the institution. As an ongoing process, onboarding begins during recruitment and selection, and continues as needed throughout the individual's employment.
New York Paid Family Leave Policy
New York Paid Family Leave (NYPFL) will provide job security and paid time off from work for a specified period of time to care for a new child, a seriously ill family member or if a family member is called to active military service.
Outside Employment
Employees may engage in certain employment outside the university, provided that the employee has obtained prior approval of his or her supervisor and the employee complies with all relevant University policies, including policies regarding conflicts of interest and annual leave.
Overtime Pay
At some point, all non-exempt employees (i.e., those eligible for overtime pay) may be required to work beyond their normal work schedule. In these cases, supervisors should provide employees with as much advance notice as possible and should appropriately assign and distribute overtime among all eligible employees.
Pay Periods and Checks
This policy defines the pay schedules for the various employees of Adelphi University.
Personal Days
It is the policy of Adelphi University to provide eligible employees annual personal holidays. All usage of personal holiday time is subject to supervisory approval.
Personal Leaves of Absence
Full-time nonunion employees may request an unpaid leave of absence for personal, and/or family-related reasons.
Personnel Records
University personnel records should be accurate, relevant, and safe from improper disclosure. Federal and state laws require that certain information be gathered and maintained in personnel files.
Posting of Positions
University personnel records should be accurate, relevant, and safe from improper disclosure. Federal and state laws require that certain information be gathered and maintained in personnel files.
Re-Employment of Former Employees
The University sets requirements for the re-employment of faculty and staff who have retired or resigned from the University, received a separation incentive/phased retirement from the University or when terminated in specific situations.
Recruitment and Hiring
All recruitment and employment activities for Adelphi University are conducted in accordance with applicable University, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.
Reduction in Force
This policy establishes a process for the position elimination of regular full-time and part-time non-faculty positions at the University.
Religious Holidays
Individuals may not be discriminated against because of their religious beliefs or practices, or because they lack religious beliefs or practices
Remote Work Expense
The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules and guidelines pertaining to purchases required to work remotely. As always, employees are expected to spend University funds prudently and for valid business purposes.
Remote Working
The purpose of this policy is to delineate the policy for employees who are approved to work remotely by their supervisors at alternate work locations for all or part of their workweek.
Resignation from Employment
This policy is designed to ensure the correct process is followed by Adelphi University employees in the event of an employee tendering their resignation from the University.
Restroom Use Guidelines
Many people may experience difficulty and inconvenience when required to use gender-specific restrooms. This policy is intended to address several issues that are associated with gender specific restrooms.
Retiree Health Insurance Benefits
The retiree medical benefits are available to employees age 55 or older who retire from the University and their eligible dependents.
Right to Express Breast Milk in the Workplace
The University supports nursing employees by accommodating an employee who needs to express breast milk during the workday.
Salaries for Faculty Returning From Administrative Positions to Faculty
This policy addresses the terms and conditions which will govern the transition, if any, back to a faculty position upon completion of the administrative assignment.
Short-Term Disability
Adelphi University provides Short Term Disability (STD) to eligible staff employees who have completed their probationary period.
Sick Leave Policy
Adelphi University provides paid sick leave for its full-time and regular part-time non-faculty employees. Sick leave may be accrued and used under certain conditions.
Skill Testing of Applicants
The purpose of this policy is to establish appropriate guidelines for departments and offices that wish to use a skill test for potential employment candidates.
Social Security Number
This policy describes the purpose of an employee’s social security number for employment purposes.
Spread of Hours Pay
Non-exempt employees whose “spread of hours” is more than 10 hours in a day must be paid an additional hour of pay on top of their normal payment.
Student Employment
The basis for student employment is to help meet the needs of the university, provide university students with financial support in pursuit of their academic goals and provide opportunities for academic or administrative job experience.
Student Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex—including pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions or concerning a student’s parental status—in educational programs and activities.
Teaching by Administrators
This policy describes the possibility of administrators teaching classes provided certain guidelines and prerequisites are met.
Time Sheets
Time reporting is the basis for determining payment to employees for services performed and it is the policy of the University to use time sheets to report employee’s time while at work.
Tuition Exchange
Adelphi University is a member of a national organization that administers tuition scholarships for dependent children of current employees from member colleges and universities.
Tuition Remission
Adelphi University provides Tuition Remission to eligible non union and certain union employees and their families to enhance their occupational proficiencies and provide opportunities for professional development.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance is a New York State Department of Labor program. It provides compensation to qualified workers during involuntary periods of unemployment.
Use of Temporary Agencies
Adelphi University is committed to ensuring that it delivers excellent academic, student and professional support services at all times.
Work Life Programs
As part of our ongoing commitment to the health and wellness of employees, the University offers a variety of programs focused on healthy lifestyles and balancing the responsibilities of work and personal life.