Momentum 2: The Strategic Plan for Adelphi University 2022-2027

Momentum 2: The Strategic Plan for Adelphi University 2022-2027

The three overarching goals of M2 will guide our steps forward as we fulfill our central mission: to transform the lives of our students.

In early 2021, Adelphi’s senior leadership and the entire community began developing our University’s current five-year strategic plan, Momentum 2. With this new plan, our legacy of transforming for the future continues.

See How We Got Here

Read about the many achievements of our prior strategic plan 2015-2021. Here are the results of initiatives launched and the progress made during those years.

Explore Topline Results

Leading Adelphi Forward

While our strategic plan guides how we achieve our unique mission, vision and approach to higher education, the annual President’s Report details our accomplishments and innovations toward those goals.

Read the President's Report

Three Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Academic Distinction in Our Core Four

We will deepen and strengthen our focus on advancing intellectual rigor, research, creativity, and community engagement across Adelphi’s four core academic areas: arts and humanities, STEM and social sciences, the business and education professions, and health and wellness. Goal 1

Goal 2: Inclusive Community & Connectivity

We will embrace and foster relationships within our Adelphi community and beyond, maximizing our shared values and purpose. Our community will be purposeful in creating a safe and welcoming space for individual expression and growth, and the pursuit of success. Goal 2

Goal 3: Smart Growth & Infrastructure

Our growth will remain aligned with our mission, vision, and values while responding to changing demands of higher education. We will continue our sound stewardship of Adelphi’s resources, and our institution will operate and grow with efficiency, thoughtfulness, and effectiveness. Goal 3

Momentum 2: Our shared vision and strategic roadmap, 2022-2027

Our Momentum 2 video outlines how the Adelphi community will follow the Momentum strategic plan’s extraordinary results with three new goals aimed at making the University “an unparalleled place of learning”—and transforming lives.

In small group gatherings and university-wide forums, more than 1,400 students, alumni, faculty, and staff engaged in thoughtful planning and evaluation. We shared, listened, learned, and discussed our goals.

Momentum 2, also known as M2, was designed by the Adelphi community to continue the success of our previous strategic plan Momentum through 2027–with even higher targets and increasingly innovative goals.

M2 was approved by the Adelphi University Board of Trustees in June 2022.

Four Overarching Themes

As an essential part of these three larger goals, we make the commitment to honor four themes important to all University work:

  1. Fostering diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging: Our work will eliminate equity gaps, foster a respectful environment, and enhance a sense of belonging for all.
  2. Serving each other, our students, our community, our region and society at large: Our work will continue to promote a core value of Adelphi’s legacy — community engagement. It enriches our experience and improves the world around us.
  3. Maintaining an integrative and collaborative approach: Our work will bring our community together to break down silos and collaboratively accomplish our strategic vision. Success is rarely achieved in isolation.
  4. Ensuring accountability and effectiveness: Our work will be documented and communicated quarterly, to share our plans, progress, and success metrics continually. Strategy is not effective without execution and accountability.

Moving Adelphi Forward

An average 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio, with exceptionally high academic quality, gives every student hands-on learning and close interaction with excellent faculty. Our belief in one-to-one learning is revolutionizing the university experience for thousands of students.

Our University transforms the lives of all students by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity and deep community engagement across our Core Four areas of focus: Arts and Humanities, STEM and Social Sciences, the Business and Education Professions, and Health and Wellness.

We will become a nationally respected leader—a standard bearer—for redefining the practical and personal value of education for students, helping them define their success in the classroom, on campus, in careers and communities, and beyond.

Communicating Our Strategic Plan

As our community makes strides toward achieving the goals of Adelphi University’s five-year strategic plan, it is essential that we share a common understanding and communicate our purpose, efforts and outcomes with clarity and consistency.
Office of the President
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