What sets Adelphi’s College of Nursing and Public Health apart? Leadership — proven leadership.
As the first school of nursing on Long Island and one of only 7 current nursing programs in the nation recognized by the National League for Nursing for advancing the science of nursing education, we are setting the standard for innovative graduate and undergraduate study, groundbreaking scholarship and contributions to the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a Best Undergraduate Nursing Program — jumping an unprecedented 19 ranking spots in a single year — Adelphi is also ranked a Best Grad School for Nursing.
Adelphi prepares students for future professional practice roles as compassionate leaders, innovators, and scholars in the fields of nursing and public health.
Welcome from Dean Deborah Hunt
Expertise and Innovation
Expertise and Innovation
Groundbreaking Research

Advances in Care

Leadership in Public Health