Top Line Results of Adelphi's Strategic Plan: Momentum 2015-2021
The six key goals of Momentum: 2015-2021 guided our steps as we fulfilled our central mission: to transform the lives of our students. Here are topline results of initiatives launched and progress made during those years.
Goal One: Building World-Class Academics
In six years, Adelphi launched 52 new academic programs, including eight majors, 18 minors, 15 4+1 cost-saving degree programs, and three joint degree pathway programs. More innovative and in-demand opportunities are also rising from our new Innovation Center, expanded access to learning and the new ways that we advance faculty leadership.
Goal Two: Driving Student Success
We are now nationally honored for our programs in mentoring and career preparation and readiness. To broaden access to Adelphi’s world-class education, we increased critical financial assistance and support. And we have transformed our student life experience with improvements in living, dining and gathering.
Goal Three: Modeling Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Since our strategic plan began in 2015, our commitment to eliminate bias and promote respect and equity is driving important change in our community and beyond. Inclusion among our leadership, staff, faculty and students is at historic highs, strengthening our mission and making Adelphi a more welcoming place for all.
Goal Four: Connecting With Community
We’ve reenergized lifelong connections with our own inspiring and accomplished alumni. Our powerful partnerships with our critical partners in the community, at nonprofits and in government further support our mission. We continue contributing meaningfully on Long Island, in New York and to the world—as recognized by our prestigious 2020 Carnegie Community Engagement Classification.
Goal Five: Excelling in Finance and Operations
Adelphi has never been stronger operationally, thanks to our Momentum strategies to ensure fiscal responsibility, grow fundraising opportunities, win the faith of generous donors, and earn critical support from government and private foundations. Despite the pandemic’s challenges, global ratings expert Standard & Poor’s reaffirmed our strong ratings.
Goal Six: Rising in Reputation
Adelphi’s appearance in local, national and international media has doubled. Our faculty and administrators are established thought leaders in well-known news and higher education publications. In the past three years, U.S. News & World Report has named Adelphi a Best College and a Top Performer on Social Mobility, among other outstanding honors.
Our Approach: Small Classes, Big Thinking
An average 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio, with exceptionally high academic quality, gives every student hands-on learning and close interaction with excellent faculty. Our belief in one-to-one learning is revolutionizing the university experience for thousands of students.
Our Mission: To Transform Lives
Our University transforms the lives of all students by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity and deep community engagement across our Core Four areas of focus: Arts and Humanities, STEM and Social Sciences, the Business and Education Professions, and Health and Wellness.
Our Vision: To Personalize Education
We will become a nationally respected leader—a standard bearer—for redefining the practical and personal value of education for students, helping them define their success in the classroom, on campus, in careers and communities, and beyond.