English major Brienna (Ennie) Conner is exploring the historical significance of the “Tar Baby” story to uncover the lived experiences of enslaved Africans and their descendants in early America.
Gain a critical understanding of diversity and other issues of growing global importance, boosting career and life skills.
The African, Black and Caribbean Studies minor helps you gain a better understanding of the experiences of people of African descent, while strengthening your major and enhancing your career opportunities in today’s increasingly diverse marketplace. You’ll develop a deeper appreciation for the global Black Lives Matter movement, helping you address social justice and racial inequity. Courses range from the Civil Rights Movement to Black Writers to Law and Social Inequality.
Adelphi Jaggar Community Fellows interned at the National Urban League during the summer.
The African, Black and Caribbean Studies Program is a key reason why I understand myself and take such great pride in my history. My professors fostered my curiosity by teaching me my true history as it relates to the arts, education, history and more. It’s empowering for everyone to understand the rich contributions of members of the African diaspora. It is because of them why I teach my middle school students with such truth and great dignity today.
English major Brienna (Ennie) Conner is exploring the historical significance of the “Tar Baby” story to uncover the lived experiences of enslaved Africans and their descendants in early America.
Kyana Gordon ’24 was turned away from doing research at her high school. Now, after two years in Adelphi biology labs, she's off to conduct epidemiological research in Jamaica as a Fulbright Scholar. Meet her and three other winners of prestigious national academic awards.
Candice Garwood came to Adelphi from Kingston, Jamaica, and has discovered the richness of immigrant stories through her studies at Adelphi. A student in the Levermore Global Scholars program and Adelphi’s 2024–2025 Newman Civic Fellow, Garwood found inspiration within the African, Black and Caribbean Studies program.
The Association of American Colleges and Universities has announced the selection of Adelphi University as one of 13 institutions to host Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Centers.
Students of African, Black and Caribbean Studies participate in internships and experiential learning opportunities in numerous fields, including:
To apply for this program, submit the appropriate application requirements:
All undergraduate students have the opportunity to apply for the following programs to expand their educational landscape: