Choosing a major is important but it rarely determines what you will do “with the rest of your life.”

People change careers many times, so preparing for your first career is all you need to think about right now. Most employers look for skills and achievements, rather than a specific college major. Choosing a course of study in which you can achieve good grades and find enjoyment is the surest road to success.

Regardless of field, all employers want candidates with skills in communication, teamwork, critical thinking, analysis, technology, and organization. You can develop these skills through internships, part-time jobs, campus leadership roles, volunteering, studying abroad, tutoring, researching, and coursework.

Help! I’m Undecided

Don’t worry, many students come in as undeclared majors! Over your first year or so, your decision about what to major in may spring from new self-knowledge, an interesting class or internship experience, or emerging interest in a career field. Sometimes, choosing a major is difficult because you believe that you must know now what your future career will be – but major decision does not necessarily equal career decision. Here are our suggestions to help you choose:

  1. Contact the Office of Academic Services and Retention to arrange an appointment with an adviser.
  2. Participate in the Internship Prep Seminar, a foundational preparation prior to an internship.
  3. Visit the Center for Career and Professional Development where you can meet with a career counselor to discuss your options.
  4. At your visit to the Career Center, request a career assessment to help in choosing a major.
  5. Familiarize yourself with what employers seek by looking at internship postings on Handshake.
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