 A group of people stand in front of a mural that reads "Shaheed Hemu Kalani Govt. S.B.V. Lajpat Nagar"
Bhisé Global Learning Experience students and faculty visiting India in 2023.

Thanks to a major gift from Bharat Bhisé, MBA '78, students and faculty will examine history, relations and economics to address global issues and increase understanding.

In October 2022, Bharat Bhisé, MBA ’78, CEO and founder of Bravia Capital, and Adelphi partnered to create and launch the Bhisé Global Learning Experience: an initiative that further promotes a global mindset at the University by providing students with an overseas trip complemented by a semester of cultural and academic opportunities. In January 2023, the first cohort of students traveled to India for a life-changing experience. Now this successful and engaged alumnus is furthering the partnership by funding the Bhisé Global Understanding Project. Launched in October 2023, it is an expansive, multidisciplinary campus-wide initiative developed to benefit Adelphi students and faculty—and the world at large.

Engaging Students, Faculty and the Community

Following the success of the inaugural Bhisé Global Learning Experience in January 2023, eight students will participate in a study tour of India in January 2024, which will include an immersive 10-day trip that explores the country’s people, culture, environmental issues and history through visits to several cities and important sites, including colleges, businesses and nongovernmental organizations.

This year’s visit to India will be led by Rakesh Gupta, associate professor of decision sciences and marketing, and Chrisann Newransky, associate professor of social work. Both professors were appointed as the first two Bhisé Faculty Fellows and will co-chair the 2023-2024 Bhisé Pre-Launch Steering Committee, a multidisciplinary group that will lead programming, oversee the Bhisé Faculty Research Grant selection process, work on collaborations with regional and global partners, lead the development of new curricula, and engage with Bhisé to envision a potential future Center for Global Understanding. The professors will also teach a 360 seminar-style course on colonialism in the spring semester and oversee other initiatives.

The Bhisé Global Understanding Project will also support faculty research grants aimed to expand the body of research and creative work that explores issues of globalization, colonialism and postcolonialism in the world, with a particular emphasis on the South Asia region.

Additionally, the Bhisé Project will include programming that engages the entire community. A speaker series focused on global issues will bring renowned experts to campus to engage the Adelphi community in interesting and provocative conversations. The inaugural event, “A Global Reckoning: Colonialism and the Quest for Justice,” will bring Caroline Elkins, a professor at Harvard University and the Pulitzer-Prize winning author of Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya, to campus on November 14.

Promoting Global Higher Education

“This project is a powerful amplifier of all three goals in Adelphi’s Momentum 2 strategic plan—and will advance intellectual rigor and research, build understanding around our connectedness in a diverse, global society, and strengthen our University’s resources in support of academic distinction,” said Provost and Executive Vice President Christopher Storm, PhD, whose office will oversee the initiative. “We look forward to the evolution of the Bhisé Global Understanding Project and to its becoming a distinguished academic offering that expands Adelphi’s reputation and awareness in global higher education.”

Bhisé, who earned his MBA at Adelphi, credits the University with being the first step in his successful career as an investor and leader in the global transportation, leasing and logistics industries.

“We are honored to partner with Mr. Bhisé to bring such a far-reaching and exciting project to life,” said Thomas Kline, EdD, vice president of University advancement and external relations. “This project will add even greater distinction to Adelphi, and I look forward to the impact it will have on our entire community.

2023–2024 Bhisé Pre-Launch Steering Committee

Members of this committee include:

  • Rakesh Gupta (co-chair), associate professor, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
  • Chrisann Newransky (co-chair), PhD, associate professor, School of Social Work
  • Susan Briziarelli, associate provost for faculty support and global affairs
  • Tandra Chakraborty, PhD, professor and chair, biology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Carol Cohen, DSW, professor, School of Social Work
  • John Drew, associate professor, communications, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Caio Gomes ’23, student/alumni representative
  • Shannon Harrison, director, Center for International Education
  • Thomas Kline, EdD, vice president of University advancement and external relations
  • Anne Mungai, PhD, associate provost for strategic initiatives and graduate studies
  • Edward Reno, PhD, associate professor and chair, history, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Ming-Hsuan Wu, PhD, associate professor, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
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