Dear Adelphi Community,
Adelphi University’s Health and Wellness team continues to closely watch the outbreak of monkeypox, which was recently declared a global and national public health emergency. Additionally, New York state’s governor declared a disaster emergency to ensure the state has the resources to respond.
As with all public health matters, we are monitoring the situation and are prepared to respond. We will follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and comply with the requirements of our state and local health departments.
The CDC confirms that monkeypox is a rare and preventable disease with low risk. However, I recognize that news of a new infectious disease might cause concern and uncertainty, so I want to share helpful information and an update on Adelphi’s preparation.
Monkeypox Educational Webinar: Northwell Health-GoHealth and Adelphi’s Health and Wellness team, including University Epidemiologist K.C. Rondello, MD, will host an educational webinar for the Adelphi community. Please submit your questions in advance to be addressed during the event. We’ll add new ones to our online resources.
Monkeypox Educational Webinar With Health and Wellness and Northwell Health-GoHealth
Thursday, September 1, at 1:00 p.m.
Register for this event
Submit questions in advance
Monkeypox Information and Resources
In addition to what we’ll discuss during this educational webinar, I’ve shared some useful information and resources below my signature. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to healthandwellness@adelphi.edu.
I appreciate your continued thoughtfulness for the well-being of every member of our Adelphi community.
Gene Palma
Vice President of University Wellness, Safety and Administration
Monkeypox FAQs
Monkeypox is a virus in the smallpox family. It has similar symptoms to smallpox but is milder and rarely fatal.
According to current CDC data, monkeypox spreads through close physical contact with an infected individual, animal, body fluids, secretions or a contaminated surface. It is less transmissible than chicken pox, measles or COVID-19. More detailed information can be found in the CDC’s online FAQs.
We are monitoring the monkeypox public health emergency. We will follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and all official guidance of our state and local health departments.
We continue to have infectious disease prevention and care plans in place, including:
- Close monitoring of public health and continual communication with our community
- Collaboration with local and state departments of health to implement all public health requirements and to trace possible impacts on our community
- Adherence to CDC best practices and recommendations
- Continued robust cleaning and disinfecting
- On-campus isolation space and care procedures for our residents who become ill and cannot return home
- Advocacy for greater access to a monkeypox vaccine
Please review the CDC’s recommended steps for minimizing your exposure to monkeypox.
We strongly encourage you to continue practicing the essential personal hygiene and protection strategies that are proven to be highly effective in preventing the spread of viruses:
- Thoroughly and frequently wash your hands.
- Self-monitor for symptoms.
- Avoid close contact with individuals who may be sick, or if you are sick.
- Do not attend class or go to work if you are sick.
We also strongly recommend wearing an appropriate face covering in crowded public places and large gatherings to minimize potential contact with someone’s respiratory droplets.
- Monkeypox Educational Webinar: Thursday, September 1, at 1:00 p.m.
- University Health Services: Call Health Services at 516.877.6000 or email at healthservicescenter@adelphi.
edu. - Mental Health Support: Students can visit our Student Counseling Center in Room 310 of the Ruth S. Harley University Center, call 516.877.3646 or email at scc@adelphi.edu. All faculty and staff can utilize our no-cost Employee Assistance Program (regardless of medical plan) by calling 877.622.4327 or visiting MyCigna.com.
- On-Campus Flu Vaccines: To help minimize the impact of flu season on our Adelphi community, Adelphi Health Services, in partnership with Northwell Health-GoHealth, will offer on-campus flu vaccinations in the coming weeks. More information is to come.