
Greetings from the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion!

The Fall 2020 semester does not look like any semester we have ever experienced.  Many of you are working and learning remotely, and those that are still on our campus are practicing social distancing and other safety measures to ensure the health of us all.  We experienced an election season that was emotionally charged and polarizing. We are still confronted with violent evidence of racism in the nation. Our lives and our households are very different than they were last year at this time. However, we are here, and we are working with you to create a better experience for all members of our community.

This semester, our entire community has partnered with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to work toward change in every aspect of our University. While you are able to see monthly updates on our website from our task forces, committees and councils, here are a few of the actions that have already taken place on our campus this semester:

  • Diversity and inclusion education became mandatory for all student organization executive board members and professional staff throughout the Division of Student Affairs, including the Office of Residential Life and Housing and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
  • 100 percent of all resident assistants have now completed Safe Zone training.
  • 41.3 percent of the Ruth S. Harley University Center renovation project was contract work awarded to women and minority-owned businesses.
  • An external complaint process audit was launched and is underway.
  • School-specific diversity councils began the work of examining curricular changes, with the goal of providing recommended updates in this academic year.

What is most heartening is the collective effort of all of us here at Adelphi University to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. No longer is the work of ensuring a supportive, inclusive, antiracist environment seen as the work of a single office. We are all responsible for speaking up and taking the steps to create the changes that reflect our values—the changes that we need to see.

There is more work to do and, with your hard work, we will get it done. If we have learned anything from 2020, it is that we are capable, resilient and uniquely qualified to thrive in this most complex moment. We’ve got this.

We invite you to join our office as we support National Native American Heritage Month, Transgender Awareness Week, International Education Week and the First-Generation College Celebration. Please support all of the events that will be taking place during the month of November in recognition of these important initiatives.

Please reach out to me with any questions or comments at, or visit during my office hours, Mondays and Thursdays, 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Contact Charlene Mayers ( for an appointment.   And check back with our Most Recent Actions Taken page next week, to see even more we have accomplished together.

Take good care,

Jacqueline Jones LaMon, JD
Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Nexus Building, 309
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Levermore Hall, 205
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