
Adelphi University is pleased to announce the creation of a Staff Council.

The purpose of the Council is to provide a voice for nonunion staff on issues related to them while supporting the vision, mission and goals of Adelphi University.

The new Staff Council will:

  • Collaborate with Executive Leadership and the University’s Human Resources Working Group to support a positive working environment for all Adelphi employees.
  • Provide input into the University’s decision-making processes that directly affect staff.
  • Serve as a vehicle for the continued professional and personal development of staff.
  • Create networking opportunities for staff across the University.

The Staff Council will be comprised of full-time and part-time exempt and nonexempt nonunion staff from Adelphi’s schools, colleges and departments. Elected members will:

  • Attend all meetings and participate in the business of the Council.
  • Be available to their constituents to hear concerns and ideas, and communicate these effectively to the Council.
  • Keep their constituents informed of relevant Council work and matters that University administration communicates to the Council that may be relevant to their constituents.
  • Be allowed up to three hours per month to participate in the Council.
  • Have terms that last for two years.

Call for Nominations

  • A call for nominations for the Staff Council is open now until Friday, July 30.
  • Only nonunion staff may submit a nomination—for yourself or a fellow nonunion staff member (including full-time, part-time, exempt and nonexempt employees).
  • To submit a nomination, please complete this form. It will be sent electronically to
  • The Office of Human Resources will vet all submissions to ensure nominees meet eligibility criteria, including a rating of “A Job Well Done” or higher on their most recent performance appraisal.
  • Voting on the final slate of candidates for Staff Council will be open to all nonunion staff. You will receive an email and electronic voting form on Tuesday, August 3. The voting period will close on Friday, August 6.
  • Elected members will be announced by email on Monday, August 9.

I am confident the Staff Council will be a valuable resource to our community and encourage all eligible employees to become involved in this exciting venture.

If you have any questions, please send an email to or contact your HR Business Partner directly.

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Levermore Hall, 203
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Levermore Hall, 205
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