
Dear Adelphi Community Members,

In light of the challenges posed by COVID-19 and the reduced number of Adelphi community members on our Garden City campus, the Department of Public Safety and Transportation has relaxed enforcement of the requirement to update your parking stickers until the beginning of fall term. It is still essential that students, faculty and staff register their cars with Public Safety and apply the sticker to their car as instructed, as this enables us to make contact with the owner if the vehicle has an issue such as a leak, damage from another vehicle or other matter. However, if your parking sticker is expired, you will not be ticketed at this time. General parking and safety rules, such as the appropriate use of handicapped accessible parking and not blocking fire lanes, are still in effect and will be enforced.

If you need a new sticker for an as-yet unregistered vehicle, visit the Public Safety office in Levermore Hall, Suite 113, with the necessary documents. If you have questions, email or call 516.877.3500 during business hours. The Department of Public Safety and Transportation is open every weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Tuesdays until 6 p.m.

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Levermore Hall, 113
Office Hours
Command Center
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