
Adelphi makes the cut for the top 300 schools in the comprehensive and competitive ranking.

Adelphi has earned the 2016-2017 Women’s Choice Award® for America’s Best Colleges by ranking in the top 300 of approximately 1,500 eligible colleges and universities nationwide.

The ranking is based on an objective and quantitative assessment of each institution, using criteria women consider most important with regard to choosing a college or university.

“It is an exciting time for college bound women, as now they have a college ranking that focuses specifically on their needs and preferences, and for parents it’s the perfect combination of everything they want for their daughter,” said Delia Passi, CEO and Founder of the Women’s Choice Award. 

» See the complete Women’s Choice Award ranking


For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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