
Participants will have a chance to earn a Campus Recreation cooling towel from November 28 through December 19, 2016.

From November 28, 2016 through December 19, 2016 Campus Recreation is giving you an incentive to #HaveFunBeActive during the final weeks of the semester!

Keep your stress in check by working out, swimming or joining a group fitness class. 

The Fitness punch cards are available now!

Participants in the Winter Warm-Up Fitness Challenge will have a chance to earn a Campus Recreation cooling towel. See your RA, CA or stop by the Campus Recreation office to get your punch card.

Complete any of the items below to receive a punch:

  1. Work out in the fitness center
  2. Attend group fitness classes
  3. Take a swim in the pool

Be sure to get a recreation staff member to punch your fitness card each time you complete one of the above activities.

Bonus: Get a friend to join you for a chance to win a prize!

For further information, please contact:

Campus Recreation
Woodruff Hall, Room 240
p – 516.877.4242
e –

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