
It’s the fourth book in a series she has enjoyed.

Dr. Insler told e-news from AU:

“Last year, I came upon The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This was a deeply atmospheric novel about early 20th century Barcelona told through a gothic lens. At the core of the novel is a Cemetery of Forgotten Books (COFB), which emotionally ensnares more than a few of the principal characters. While I started with The Angel’s Game, I then quickly read The Shadow of the Wind and The Prisoner of Heaven—the first and third books in the COFB series. The books stand as pieces of a larger whole—what the first half of 20th century Barcelona looked and felt like through the hearts of some really memorable characters. I am eagerly awaiting the fourth and final book in the series, hopefully in time for summer vacation!”

This piece is from the May 2013 issue of e-News from Adelphi University.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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