Guidance may have evolved. Visit our COVID-19 website for the current information.
Dear Adelphi Community,
We are actively monitoring the coronavirus issue and this week’s developments around the world and especially here at home. To be prepared for all possibilities, our leadership, administration and emergency management experts have formed a working team with representatives from all our University functions. The team will meet regularly to quickly address this rapidly evolving situation and to respond to any potential impact on our University and community.
It is important to know there have been no confirmed cases of the virus on our campus or in New York state. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have communicated this week increasing concern about the possibility of coronavirus outbreaks in our nation. Nassau County—where our Garden City campus is located—announced Wednesday that a number of local asymptomatic individuals are being proactively monitored after completing essential international travel. We understand that these developments are heightening concern among our Adelphi community, so we want to communicate the latest information we have and the steps our University is taking to ensure the health, safety, well-being and continued support of our students, staff and visitors.
An active work group of University administration, staff and faculty, led by our Executive Leadership team, is actively scenario planning—putting plans into place to allow us to continue learning, working and operating in the event of an emergency. At Adelphi, we began monitoring and addressing the emerging outbreak in January, with all our efforts guided by the CDC and state and county health departments. Based on evolving reports from authorities, we, like many universities around the nation, are also carefully planning for the possibility of an outbreak near campus or one of our centers. We have every intention of being able to react quickly, effectively and efficiently if needed. We are also evaluating travel recommendations based on the global situation.
Please be reassured that Adelphi’s leadership is watching this issue closely and taking the risks very seriously. We have been assured by health authorities that at this point in time, the risk of transmission remains very low. However, we continue to emphasize the importance of being prepared and informed while prioritizing everyone’s health and safety and remaining a supportive community to one another.
We will continue to communicate with you regularly as information becomes available and planning is put into place, as needed. Please continue to watch our online coronavirus information page with its FAQs and all recent communications. If you have any concerns or questions about the coronavirus issue, please email


R. Sentwali Bakari, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
on behalf of the Executive Leadership Team
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