Guidance may have evolved. Visit our COVID-19 website for the current information.

Dear Students,

On Friday, April 24, 2020, we announced the availability of emergency funding through Adelphi’s Student Emergency Support Fund, which was established in response to the hardships our students are facing due to COVID-19 and our necessary transition to remote learning. This fund raised nearly $75,000 through the personal donations of members of the Adelphi community.

In less than one week, we received more than 1,000 applications for assistance, totaling more than $3.4 million in requests.

The Student Emergency Support Fund will satisfy a small portion of these requests.

The federal government has also made $2.6 million in aid available to Adelphi students deemed eligible through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Per federal guidelines, eligible expenses must be related to the disruption of Adelphi’s campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, healthcare and child care.

We will review all applications in the order received and will distribute money first from the Student Emergency Support Fund until it is depleted, and then from the CARES Act funding. Award amounts may vary in accordance with federal recommendations and must meet eligibility guidelines.

If you have not yet applied for emergency assistance and are experiencing critical financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may apply here for consideration. If you have previously applied, it is not necessary to resubmit an application.

If you are selected to receive a federal grant, please know that your information may be submitted to the government. If you do not wish to provide your information to the federal government, you may withdraw your application for federal funding consideration by emailing no later than May 15.

Adelphi continues to advocate for additional federal funding to help our students and our University recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We expect to notify applicants on a rolling basis throughout the coming weeks. We thank you for your patience as we review each application for eligibility and funding during this time.

All the best,

Kristen Capezza, MBA ’12
Vice President
Enrollment Management and University Communications

Maggie Yoon Grafer ’99, MA ’08
Chief of Staff and Associate Vice President of External Relations

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