
The more people get involved, the more it matters. Strength in numbers—do your part!

Quick and painless things every alum can do for Adelphi

  1. Always include Adelphi in your professional bio — the bigger our reputation, the more it helps you.
  2. Make sure you update your contact info — you can’t know what’s happening if the mail is going to mom’s house!
  3. Send in a class note — we all want to know who’s doing what, it starts with you bragging a little about you.
  4. Know of an internship or job opening? Tell the Career Center, help a Panther get ahead.
  5. Like us, Link-in, or follow Adelphi in the world of social media.
  6. Get in the Network — we host events for alumni to meet’n’greet each other. Showing up is half the battle.
  7. Mentor a student — visit with a club, speak in a class, or follow a team. Think about what you know now that you didn’t know then.
  8. Stop by campus — we’re changing and growing all the time, don’t let time go by without you.
  9. Tell us — What can we do for you? Email or call us at 516.877.3470 – we’re here for you.
  10. Make a gift to the Annual Fund — any amount, any time, once a year! 

The more people get involved, the more it matters. Strength in numbers—do your part! 

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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