
Natnael Petros writes about his experience of studying abroad in Morocco and living with a Moroccan family.

Natnael Petros studying abroad in Morocco

Natnael Petros studying abroad in Morocco.

By Natnael Petros 

Every day has been an experience so far studying abroad in Morocco. Whether it’s learning a new word, Moroccan proverb, or something Ha’shuma (shameful) it never gets dull here.

I have been to many amazing cities and towns in Morocco so far, but the greatest experience is living with my host family. I live in a big house with 20 family members and it can get up to 50 at times because the extended family gather here for weekends, anniversaries, and funerals when need be. It has been two months since I moved in, and I have yet to memorize everybody’s name. Every time I think I’m getting closer, five new members show up. I’m also trying to chart a family tree to see how everybody is related.

It is my strong opinion that everyone who studies abroad should live with a host family. You gain true cultural immersion from the family you live with rather than just living in an apartment with your peers.

This piece appeared in the Levermore Global Scholars Newsletter March 28, 2014 edition.

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