
January 27, 2017 - A staff member’s email account has been compromised. The stolen account credentials were used to send a mass phishing message to our community.  

An Adelphi staff member’s email account has been compromised. The stolen account credentials were used to send a mass phishing message to our community.

The subject of the email will read “Rosemary is sharing a PDF file.”

Please do not respond to any such messages or click any links. Please delete the messages as soon as possible. If you’ve received this message and clicked on the link, please contact the Help Desk immediately.

If you ever receive a message with unexpected content that you do not trust, please do not open any attachments or click any links in the email.

To protect yourself from phishing attacks, please take a minute to review the practical tips and best practices about phishing and spear phishing on the Adelphi IT website. In addition, please take a moment to read about password best practices, as this can help protect you from fraud.

For further information, please contact:

Information Security
p – 516.877.3340
e –

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