
November 28, 2016 - This specific phishing message requests that you follow a download link to retrieve the shared document.  

A phishing scam that claims to be from an Adelphi staff member recently reached our network.

This specific phishing message requests that you follow a download link to retrieve the shared document. In some cases the emails had subject lines such as “Document Notification” or posed as someone sharing a Dropbox file with you.

DO NOT RESPOND to any such messages or click any links. Please DELETE the messages as soon as possible.

Please do not respond to any such messages or click any links. Please delete the messages as soon as possible.

If you receive a message with unexpected content that you do not trust, please do not open any attachments or click any links in the email.

For further information, please contact:

Information Security
p – 516.877.3340
e –

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