
Jonathan Ivanoff, associate director of internships at Adelphi University, offered his expertise in a recent "Newsday" article explaining why it is mutually beneficial for companies to pay their interns.

Summer is here, and for many high school and college students it’s the perfect time to obtain an internship. A crucial question for many organizations is whether or not interns should be paid. 

Jaggar Community Fellow Leah Resisert ’16 interned at Girls Inc. in 2015.

Jonathan Ivanoff, associate director of internships at Adelphi University’s Center for Career Development, offered his expertise in a recent Newsday article. He explained that compensating interns is a win-win for organizations and interns.

“The company is going to get a better quality intern if they pay them because the applicant pool will be more competitive for the paid internship versus the unpaid internship,” said Ivanoff.

Ivanoff also mentioned Adelphi’s Jaggar Community Fellows Program, a summer program which selects up to 70 students for full-time paid internships at nonprofits on Long Island and in New York City.

» Read the full Newsday article.


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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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