
CBS News Names Stephen Shore, Ed.D., clinical assistant professor, to this top-20 list.

Stephen Shore CBSYou probably didn’t know that April is Financial Literacy Month.

But chances are, if you follow social or mainstream media, you know that it’s Autism Awareness Month. Light it Up Blue and #AutismAwarenessMonth posts fill Twitter and Instagram, and major news outlets, from The Economist to CBS News, are devoting more coverage to autism spectrum disorder.

What does this have to do with Adelphi?

For one, Stephen Shore, Ed.D., clinical assistant professor in Adelphi’s Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, has been featured by CBS News in its list of the top 20 “Inspiring stories of people on the autism spectrum.” The list includes Temple Grandin and a number of other accomplished artists, activists, authors and educators.

The CBS News write-up highlights Dr. Shore’s development of Adelphi’s 12-credit Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders for teachers and professionals in related fields such as social work and therapy.

Dr. Shore, who has autism spectrum disorder, is widely recognized for his expertise on the condition and its implications for individuals, families, schools, employers and society at large. He is the author of a number of books, including Understanding Autism for Dummies, and is regularly quoted in the media. A board member of Autism Speaks, he has been invited to give hundreds of presentations across the globe.

But, in his words, the past few months—and April in particular—“have really taken the proverbial cake in terms of giving workshops, traveling, and in general building awareness and support for individuals with autism.” He has been in Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Denmark, Hawaii, Utah, California and Massachusetts, among other places.

On Friday, April 22, he will be back at Adelphi facilitating a talk on Teaching Students with Autism in Higher Education. The interactive seminar focuses on experiencing some of the challenges college students on the autism spectrum face.

Dr. Shore writes on his website: “No matter where I go…there is always high-quality and meaningful work being done to help people with autism to be found.”

See Dr. Shore featured in CBS News’ “Inspiring Stories of people on the autism spectrum.”

Learn more about Dr. Shore’s research.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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