
"I don’t know how many schools there are where I can go into two dean’s offices and have a conversation with them basically anytime I want."

B.S. Finance ‘09

Coming from a long line of lawyers and financiers, Nicolas Santos ’09 is enthusiastic about working in the financial sector and plans to follow in his family’s footsteps.  “I am not interested in the money or the glory,” he said. “My parents have always told me to just do what makes you happy.”

After graduating from Babylon High School, Nicolas received an academic scholarship to Adelphi University.  After learning that the School of Business had a program that would accommodate his educational needs, Mr. Santos chose to major in finance.  “The finance degree is something unique that caters to marketing, accounting, and management,” he said. “Having a finance degree is a culmination of all of it and that is really what brought me here.”

As a resident assistant in Waldo Hall, he has learned a great deal about responsibility and leadership.  He credits School of Business faculty members for their unwavering support and dedication to his academic success.  “Professor Alan Kreitzman is a great instructor and is always willing to help,” he said. He praises Associate Dean of Business Rakesh Gupta, his adviser, for his daily guidance.

With the help of Assistant Dean of Business Brian Rothschild, he secured an internship with NRL Wealth Creation Strategies, LLC, a financial services firm in Westbury, NY. Working with a financial adviser, he is learning all the aspects of the business.  “There are certain principles that I have learned in my corporate finance class that I am seeing in the internship,” he said.

He appreciates Adelphi’s inviting atmosphere and views the small campus community as essential in utilizing available services, such as the Center for Career Development. “I don’t know how many schools there are where I can go into two dean’s offices and have a conversation with them basically anytime I want without an appointment,” he said.

He advises other students to follow their passion before settling on a major.  “Once you figure that out, it’s a stepping stone to what you should major in,” he said.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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