
Subscribe to “Academic Calendar” and “Athletics News” updates.

Version 1.4 version of the AU2Go app features the option of push notifications.

Push notifications allow an app to notify you of new messages or events even when you are not actively using the application. On Android devices, when a device receives a push notification, your application’s icon and a message appear in the status bar. On iOS devices, the notification will send you a message as an alert or banner depending on your device settings.

You can currently subscribe to two different channels on AU2Go:

  • Academic Calendar will alert you of important upcoming dates for course changes, registration and other academic deadlines
  • Athletics News which will deliver up-to-the-minute Panther Sports updates

You can customize your settings for whether you want to receive all channels, one channel or simply opt out of notifications.

» Get instructions for how to enable, change or turn off push notifications for AU2Go.

Don’t have AU2Go Yet?

You can download the AU2Go app from Google Play or the iOS App Store.

Download AU2Go on Google Play Download AU2GO from the App Store

If you have any questions, please contact us:

IT Help Desk
e –
p – 516.877.3340

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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