
Being part of a team helps a transfer student’s transition into campus life.

By Stephen Levine

Danny McCade, Director of Athletics at AdelphiDanny McCabe, Adelphi’s new director of athletics, quickly realized that being part of a team helps a transfer student’s transition into campus life when he took the reins this summer. With his move from Hofstra University, in a sense he shared the transfer experience of the 27 transfer students who will compete in AU athletics in 2013–2014.

As a new face himself on campus, Mr. McCabe understands the transition may be tough, but for student athletes, the change may be a little easier. “Joining a team automatically brings a group of friends,” he said. “Transfer students and incoming freshmen already have a support system and are part of a tight-knit family.”

Even though some students may not have chosen Adelphi as their first home, it is no coincidence to Mr. McCabe that they may come here after further thought. “Feeling comfortable” has a great deal to do with it, he noted.

It’s no surprise to Mr. McCabe that these transferred athletes, as well as athletes in general, are among Adelphi’s most successful students.

Adelphi’s Office of Research, Assessment and Planning data showed that student athletes graduated at a rate of 72 percent, versus 65 percent of the overall student body. These figures are averages and include those who entered as freshmen in 2002–2003, 2003–2004, 2004–2005 and 2005–2006.

“Student athletes are forced to manage their time and schedules,” Mr. McCabe said upon hearing the statistics. “When coaches recruit  student athletes, they are very selective on who they recruit. It also goes back to the support system athletics provide to allow student athletes to be successful.”

For Mr. McCabe, the transition was smooth. He can also assure that student transfers in the Athletic Department feel as welcome as he did upon entering Adelphi.

“I worked at six different institutions and when I visit different campuses, I always think, ‘Is this a place I feel comfortable?’” Mr. McCabe said. “I wanted to see if I felt comfortable and I did. The campus and the community make this place feel welcoming. Everything felt right for me.”

Adelphi felt the same. Noting that he is “pleased to welcome him to the Adelphi family,” Adelphi President Robert A. Scott added, “As athletic director, he will continue to foster our sustained focus on Division II’s core value of a commitment to the student athlete.”

Dr. Scott added, “Mr. McCabe adds further distinction to our athletics, intramural and recreation programs. This is an especially exciting time to be part of Panther athletics as we just captured our first Northeast-10 President’s Cup since joining the conference in 2009. Panther athletics is poised to continue this success and Mr. McCabe’s experience adds additional depth to our program.”

This piece appeared in the Fall 2013 Issue of the Transfer Student Newsletter.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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