
Nassau County Department of Health is investigating an increased incidence of mumps cases.

The Nassau County Department of Health is investigating an increased incidence of Mumps cases that have been identified in the Long Beach, New York, area.  For further information please visit the Nassau County Department of Health website.
Anyone concerned they may have contracted the disease please contact your health care provider.  Symptoms include: very swollen cheeks and gland areas below the jaw line due to inflammation of the salivary glands, low-grade fever, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. The infection is spread through droplets released during coughing, sneezing or through saliva from an infected person. Symptoms usually appear 16-18 days after exposure with an infected person.
Any student experiencing these symptoms please contact the Student Health Center at 516.877.6004 regardless of whether you live on or off campus. Mumps is highly contagious and we must be aware of any incidence of infection.

For further information, please contact:

Health Services Center
Waldo Hall
p – 516.877.6000
f – 516.877.6008
e –

Member of American College Health Association (ACHA)

Member of American College Health Association (ACHA)

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