
Marc Kulins is a member of the Endpoint Integration team.

Marc Kulins, September 2017 Student Worker of the Month

The staff of the Office of Information Technology would like to congratulate Marc on his achievements.

Marc is a Physics major in the Class of 2019, and a member of the Endpoint Integration team. Marc started working with IT while he was still in high school during 2013.

Here are some of the comments we received from IT staff members and other student workers who nominated him:

“As one of our more senior students, Marc has always been very respectful and a great team player. He has done a lot to help us work through the start of the semester tickets. Marc works well and does not require close supervision as he has drive and shows a lot of initiative.”

“Marc has been an invaluable asset to the IT department throughout the entirety of his career. His dedication and professionalism equal that of many of our full-time employees. If he is sent out on a job, it is a given that it will be completed in an expedient manner with all courtesy shown to our end users. The knowledge, commitment and maturity that Marc brings has made him an irreplaceable member of the team.”

“Marc has been a very reliable and hardworking member of the Endpoint team. He is always the first out the door to tackle any work orders that are pending our assistance and demonstrates excellent troubleshooting, technical, and personable skills in the field.”

About IT’s Employee of the Month Nominations

It is important to demonstrate our appreciation for the contributions of our student workers to their teams, to the Office of Information Technology, and to Adelphi University as a whole. At the end of each month, we will honor one student worker who has demonstrated commitment, leadership, and initiative in their position. The recipient will be presented with a certificate and gift, as well as a featured spot on our IT website.

All IT employees (including student workers) are encouraged to submit nominations for their choice for Student Worker of the Month. Your nominee should display qualities deserving of recognition.

Please submit all nominations through the Student Worker of the Month Nomination Form.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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