
Event held on Adelphi's Garden City campus focused on helping veterans gain employment.

by Rachel Voorhees


The job search is challenging for any college graduate, but for veterans transitioning back into society this task can be especially daunting. Last spring, the North Shore-LIJ Health System hosted Career Transitions for Veteran Students on Adelphi University’s Garden City campus.

Sponsored by the Veterans Health Alliance of Long Island, the event gave veteran students the opportunity to network with talent acquisition representatives, military services specialists from the health system and fellow veterans who’ve successfully transitioned into a new career.

“We had been in contact with North Shore and we decided to collaborate,” said Christina Cowan, University College academic adviser. “We are always willing to do an event for veterans and this just seemed like something that would be very helpful.”

With about 10–15 veterans from Adelphi and neighboring schools in attendance, the event took the shape of an informal roundtable discussion. Attendees were able to talk to a panel of veterans who are currently employed with North Shore-LIJ, have their résumés reviewed by representatives from the health system and receive career guidance for transferring their specialized military skills to the workplace.

“It was nice to have people who’ve been in the same boat as our veterans,” Ms. Cowan said. “I think that’s why it worked so well, because it was a comfortable environment.”

The event was especially helpful for Army veteran and former Adelphi Student Veterans of America President Gregory Clarke ’13. After attending this event, Mr. Clarke was hired as a budget analyst by North Shore-LIJ.

“The goal is to meet good veteran candidates,” said Bernadette Fackovec, specialist for military programs at North Shore-LIJ’s Center for Workforce Readiness. “They’re fully trained candidates equipped to perform many jobs we have available.”

Since the first event was so successful, University College and North Shore-LIJ plan to host more events like this one to help veterans make a smooth transition from college to a career.

This event was one of many veterans events that University College hosts throughout the year. For a full schedule, check out our listing.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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