
Five recent College of Arts and Sciences graduates were named in 2020 to Adelphi's 10 Under 10, a prestigious honor celebrating grads who have achieved exceptional career and professional accomplishments—before even celebrating their 10-year Adelphi reunion. We celebrate their success.

Charalambos “Harry” Loizides ’11, MA ’14

Mathematics teacher, West Hempstead Union Free School District

Charalambos “Harry" Loizides“One of the great things about Adelphi is that there is such an array of classes throughout the University to choose from, so I was excited to experiment with the opportunity and find new passions. Intro to Sociology was one of my first nonmajor classes that I took and it presented so many questions about my perspectives that I wanted to delve more into that realm of study. I later took Sociology of Deviance and Issues in Crime and Criminal Behavior because the subject matter was so different from my mathematics classes that it exercised a different realm of thinking.

Even within the mathematics program, I was pushed to think in more abstract and creative ways than I would have thought when I started my freshman year. Comparing all the different outlooks with the variety of math and computer classes—from Calculus to Abstract Algebra to Probability Theory, not only gave me an appreciation of the subject matter but continues to motivate me and helps me inspire my own students in my own classroom.

Professor [Christopher] Storm [PhD, then associate professor and chair of the math and computer science department and now senior associate provost] and [adjunct faculty William] Quirin were wonderful mentors during my undergraduate career at Adelphi. Both were fantastic in helping with the mental struggle by offering a bit of information on the subject matter and allowed enough room for me to generate thought-provoking answers and a deeper understanding of the material. I’d like to think I draw inspiration from the mathematics professors while I help instruct my students.

In terms of the political science department, I’ve had wonderful experiences with Associate Professors [Maggie] Gray [PhD] and [Traci] Levy, [PhD,] who gave plenty of opportunities to question articles, discussions and perspectives. These classes, like Race and Politics and The Modern Presidency, helped me focus my inquisitive nature and develop my skills to present arguments and discussion points towards a more constructive outlet.”

Professor Lee Stemkoski, PhD, remembers: “Harry was a dedicated and hardworking student, very enthusiastic about mathematics, and was a pleasure to have in class.”

Joseph A. Bruno ’13, JD

Judicial law clerk, U.S. District Court

About taking Modern Political Theory in the Western World with Associate Professor Traci Levy, PhD: This was the first class I attended as an Adelphi student and, looking back, it was one of my favorites. I was intrigued by the course materials—particularly the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke—which contemplated the development and fundamental purposes of civil society. I also appreciated Professor Levy’s teaching methods, which included the use of popular films and novels (for example, Fight Club and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) to illustrate the concepts we learned in class.

About taking Constitutional Law: Government Powers with senior adjunct faculty member Celeste Kaufman:

It goes without saying, but Professor Kaufman’s classes affirmed my interest in pursuing a career in law. I especially enjoyed her Government Powers course, which analyzed American governmental authority through the lens of Supreme Court precedent. As always, Professor Kaufman’s use of informative—and often humorous—hypothetical scenarios and anecdotes made the class a pleasure to attend.

About taking Feminist Theory with Dr. Levy:

Before taking Professor Levy’s class, I knew little about feminism and feminist discourse. However, I emerged from her class with a deeper understanding of how the combination of gender, economic status and race impact day-to-day lives. I carry the lessons learned in her class with me even today.

I relied on all of the professors in the political science department for guidance during my four years at Adelphi and beyond. However, in addition to Professor Kaufman, I count Professor Levy among my most important mentors. I often found myself visiting Professor Levy in her office to discuss everything from course readings and assignments to career planning. She never turned me away when I needed advice. Professor Levy also served as the adviser for my Honors College senior thesis—a role that demanded a significant time commitment. I’ll always appreciate her willingness to take time out of her busy schedule to support me as a student and lifelong learner.

Dr. Levy commented that Joseph Bruno was a superlative student. At AU, he was already a deeply ethical and decent man with an impeccable work ethic and a deep sense of moral commitment to do what is right. He distinguished himself early on as a very good writer and has developed into a truly excellent writer with remarkable analytical and research skills. His political science capstone seminar paper, “Intellectual Property, U.S. Patent Law, and Gene Patents: Utilitarian Justifications and the Divided Libertarian Position,” was a 26-page tour de force. Working with Joe was a pleasure and an honor.

Maria Fernanda Lopez ’13

Lower school Spanish immersion teacher, Avenues: The World School

Maria Fernanda LopezChamber music class with [adjunct faculty] Mory Ortman is a class I have very happy memories of. The professor trusted me with difficult material and set the bar very high for all of us. In the end, we had a great performance, and I walked away with a special fondness for American composers which inspired me to include an American composer section in my senior recital. I also very much enjoyed Songs and Songwriting and other Music History courses taught by Professor [Paul] Moravec. It was an inside joke with my friends that we were the unofficial Moravec fan club because of how much we liked his classes. I never had what I would call a knack for theory, so I really appreciated [Associate Professor] Sidney Boquiren’s extra support with the classes, and helped me believe that it was ok to ask for help and I can do hard things. Of course, there is Dr. Darla Diltz, [adjunct faculty,] who I take great inspiration from as a teacher and, to me, sets the standard for what it means to be an Adelphi professor. I gave her my appreciation stole after graduation, because her lessons extended far beyond what I learned in the studio and in Opera class and made me want to inspire others the way she did me.

Philip F. DiSanto ’12, JD

Associate, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher LLP

Philip DisantoIn the Honors College and the Department of Political Science, DiSanto found superb faculty mentors who challenged and inspired him. He noted that his law classes at Adelphi “were some of the best that I’ve taken!”

Reflecting on his Adelphi education more generally, DiSanto’s fondest memories are of his intimate and thought-provoking seminars for the political science capstone and his one-to-one work with faculty for his Honors College thesis. “The small class sizes and personal attention encouraged me to think critically, which is very important in the legal profession,” DiSanto explained.

Kyle Savage ’14, CAGS ’15, MA’15

Founder/Executive Director of Shining Studios Organization, Inc. and Founder/Public Speaking Coach for Kyle Savage Coaching

Kyle SavageA sense of community was the driving force behind Savage’s decision to attend Adelphi. “I felt a vibrant spirit of community just from touring the school,” he said. “I knew that I wanted to be a part of a school that had so much life, spirit and energy.” And that sense of camaraderie has stayed with him, becoming the inspiration for Shining Studios, which has now developed more than 50 musical productions.

Savage, who has also established a program in Spain called “Broadway in Mirabella,” is certainly heeding the advice he gives to current Adelphi students: “Make sure you find yourself in a career path that makes you excited to wake up every single day.”

10th anniversary of the 10 Under 10 program:

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Adelphi’s 10 Under 10 Young Alumni Recognition Program. Join us Saturday, October 16, 2021, during Spirit Weekend, as we congratulate the 2021 group of honorees—and celebrate all 100 of our high-achieving award winners. To view the full list of our past honorees, click here.

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