
Because of the intimate, friendly atmosphere at Adelphi, she feels right at home.

B.B.A. Accounting and International Studies

Accounting and international studies major Josselyn Portillo ’09 became interested in the field of business as a high school student at Paul D. Schreiber High School in Port Washington. She considered studying education until she signed up for an accounting class on a whim.  Ultimately, she realized that crunching numbers appealed to her more than teaching students.  By the time she applied to Adelphi School of Business, accounting had become her passion.

With the help of one special faculty member, she recalls her freshman year as a turning point in her life.  “Professor Ganesh Pandit supported my academic goals and encouraged me to recognize my true potential,” she said.  Faculty members will often combine business experience with classroom lectures.  Drawing upon his professional experience with accounting giant Ernst & Young, Professor Alan Kreitzman provides students insight into the business world that supplements their textbook learning.  “Students are exposed to the business world well before their expected graduation date,” she said.

She accredits her positive educational experience to the close working relationship between the Center for Career Development and the various programs within the School of Business.  During her second semester as a freshman, she earned an internship with The Tax Shoppe, an accounting firm in Port Washington, where her duties included working on tax write-ups and bookkeeping.  This hands-on exposure to accounting invariably Josselyn with her studies.

In addition to her coursework and internship experience, she also participated in the COACH (Count on Alumni for Career Help) “Careers on Wall Street,” program. The COACH Program, coordinated by the Office of Alumni Relations, pairs current Adelphi students with alumni employed in their chosen field. “The alumni speakers motivated me to continue and gave me insight into some of the careers I could get as a business professional,” she said.  She is also vice president of the Accounting Society and treasurer of Adelphi Amnesty International.

She was chosen to attend the “Pathways to Success” summer program hosted by BDO Seidman in Philadelphia, thanks to the help of Assistant Dean Brian Rothschild.  By participating in various networking events, she got to know employees of all levels from BDO Seidman, which she hopes will parlay into future career opportunities.

Because of the intimate, friendly atmosphere at Adelphi, she feels right at home. The faculty and staff are personable and the business program provides students with a solid foundation upon which to build rewarding careers.  “I love Adelphi; the business program is great,” she said.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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