
Janine Perez's dream job is to be an editor in a major publishing house, and maybe after a few years of experience, a literary agent.

New York, NY


English (Creative Writing)


Why did you choose to attend Adelphi?
I was really torn during my college search because I had applied and been accepted to eight schools. However, there were three things I knew for sure: I wanted to go a college with small class sizes, because I came from a very small high school with a graduating class of 88 and I didn’t want to get lost; I wanted to go to a college that boasted more than just academics, because I planned on getting involved and growing in as many ways as possible; and I wanted somewhere that would give me the feeling of a real campus and get me as far away from skyscrapers as possible, without actually putting too much distance between myself and Broadway. Adelphi hit all of these markers, but the moment I truly realized Adelphi was the right one for me was when I went in for my Honors College interview with Dean Garner. We had a great in-depth discussion about Iago from Othello and when our interview was over, he accepted me on the spot. There was something truly wonderful about being told that I was wanted, really wanted at a school that fit all of my criteria.

When and how did your interest in your major develop?
I’ve always been interested in various forms of English. It’s been my best and favorite subject since third grade because I was obsessed with Grammar. I developed a passion for reading in the seventh grade thanks to my English teacher, Mr. Stark, who made me realize that reading was a chance to live a million different lives in different worlds. My desire to be on the creative writing track, specifically, began in 2010 when my poem “6 Minutes” got selected out of thousands of entries to be published in a poetry book called “Extravaganza!” through Frontenac House. It was the first time I thought my writing could become something big and I fell in love with the idea of being able to share the many stories and ideas that I have in my head.

Describe your experiences at Adelphi with the faculty and/or your classmates?
Adelphi’s faculty members are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. They’re kind, hard-working, and always interested in helping the students succeed in life. Professors Peter West, Gregory Mercurio, and Martha Cooley have been especially instrumental to my success at Adelphi. They’ve shown me nothing but support and have done all they could to help me achieve everything that I have ever wanted to. Other faculty members like Kali Chan, Eric Brodsky, and Jean DeRosa have shown me that it’s not just the professors who care about the students’ education and success. Though they are not professors, they’ve played instrumental parts in helping me succeed at balancing my academics, jobs, and involvement by constantly reminding me of my capabilities and how proud they are of what I’ve accomplished, and by offering to help me in any ways they can. They’ve also served as spectacular role models to me.

The students at Adelphi have shown me so much support. I’ve always felt like we want to help each other succeed. From Greek Life to the Honors College I feel like every student I’ve connected with has had the mindset of helping me, and I’ve always felt the urge to do the same.

What is your favorite moment with a professor?
My favorite moment would have to be the moment I walked into Professor West’s office, practically in tears, because I had gotten the internship at HarperCollins for the summer, but I couldn’t afford to pay for summer credits. Looking back on it now, I probably scared him half to death walking in like that, but I could feel this dream opportunity slipping from my fingers. I couldn’t handle it. The internship required credits, and Adelphi wouldn’t let me count summer credits in my Fall semester. In a matter of 30 minutes, not only had Professor West calmed me down; he had figured out a solution. He agreed to do an independent study with me during the Fall semester that would be a reflection of my internship over the summer. He then called the talent agent at HarperCollins, explained the situation, and got her to agree to the terms. It was remarkable, really. It’s one of my favorite memories.

What accomplishment are you most proud of during your college career?
That’s a tough question. I’m proud of a lot of things I’ve accomplished during my college career—being President of the Panhellenic Council and bringing on a Panhellenic Philanthropy, the Circle of Sisterhood so our fundraising efforts as a community could go to a solid foundation; being elected Vice President of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society effectively making me a leader amongst the university’s top 10% of leaders. But I think what I’m most proud of is a very personal thing—finishing my Honors Thesis. I am one of only three students in the honors college this year who has been approved to do a creative writing assignment as my thesis. It’s a 53 page dystopian novella, plus a 10 page preface, and it’s the first time I’ve completed a story that is over 20. It was a difficult process, which required me to write, rewrite, and edit, a lot, but it’s the most perfect accumulation of all that I’ve worked for here at Adelphi. Through everything I’ve always tried to keep school work as my primary focus, and my thesis has allowed me to see just how much I’ve grown academically.

What is your aspirations/dream job?
My dream job is to be an editor in a major publishing house. However, after a few years of hard work and experience in the field, I might like to become a literary agent.

What types of extracurricular activities are you involved with?
I’ve really tried to do as many different things as possible on campus. I’ve been: Senior Admissions Ambassador of Communications for the Office of Admissions; President and Vice President of Communications for the Panhellenic Council; social chair, academic development chair, and Greek Sing chair for Delta Delta Delta; Vice President of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society; Public Relations Chair for Sigma Lambda; Dance Team member; Intramural volleyball player; The Delphian Newspaper writer; Health and Wellness Peer Educator; Hall Council member; Student Dining Advisory Council member; and many others.

Do you have any hobbies?
I’m a salsa On2 and flamenco dancer.  I also really enjoy reading and writing.

What awards/honors have you received?
Who’s Who Among America’s College Students
Department Honors in English
Department Honors in Creative Writing
Honorable Mention- Koster Award for Excellence in English Studies
Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society
Sigma Lambda Scholarship and Leadership Society
Order of Omega Greek Honor Society
Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek Honor Society
Rho Lambda Greek Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship
Recognition Award

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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