
Antonette White is part of the IT Help Desk team.

Antonette White, Student Worker of the Month for June 2017

The staff of the Office of Information Technology would like to congratulate Antonette on her achievements.

Antonette is a Political Science major in the class of 2019. She started working at the IT Help Desk in Fall 2016 as a Lab Consultant and has since become a Help Desk Assistant.

She is heavily involved in the Adelphi community as she is a member of Black Students United, Criminal and Social Justice Club and Debate Society.

Here are some of the comments we received from IT staff members and other student workers who nominated her:

“The Help Desk is a vital component of the IT experience as a whole, and Antonette goes above and beyond to ensure that customers are serviced professionally and optimistically. By ensuring the customer’s satisfaction, she helps IT work more smoothly by filtering each and every issue and ensuring that customers are satisfied. This type of work ethic helps the University run smoothly and encourages students, faculty and all others that come in contact with Adelphi to have faith that our department will always be there to help because of workers like Antonette.”

“Antonette joined the Help Desk as a Lab Consultant in November 2016. With natural customer service skills and a knack for learning new things fast, she quickly started training to become a Help Desk Assistant within a few short months. She was a key team player during finals extended hours, staffing the late and early shifts that many students try to avoid. In addition to studying and working she is an active member in the Black Students United club.”

IT-Student-Worker-of-the-Month-CertificateAbout IT’s Employee of the Month Nominations

It is important to demonstrate our appreciation for the contributions of our student workers to their teams, to the Office of Information Technology, and to Adelphi University as a whole. At the end of each month, we will honor one student worker who has demonstrated commitment, leadership, and initiative in their position. The recipient will be presented with a certificate and gift, as well as a featured spot on our IT website.

All IT employees (including student workers) are encouraged to submit nominations for their choice for Student Worker of the Month. Your nominee should display qualities deserving of recognition.

Please submit all nominations through the Student Worker of the Month Nomination Form.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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