
Adelphi's free personal training program! Includes fitness evaluation and exercise prescription!

Program Information

Campus Recreation and the Department of Exercise Science are pleased to announce for the first time at Adelphi, an Introductory Personal Training Fitness Program to the Adelphi Community! An introductory personal training program is one in which you receive a personalized exercise training program, and work with a trainer 2 times/week for up to 4 weeks. This will help you get started with a fitness program that is safe and customized for your fitness level!

  • This program will be open to Adelphi students, faculty and staff only.
  • This program is free! There is no fee to participate in it at this time. There will be (2) training periods/sessions:
    • Spring ‘17 – I (January 30-March 10, 2017)
    • Spring ‘17 – II (March 20-April 28, 2017)
  • Participants (clients) in the program will receive:
    • A Fitness evaluation including:
      • Body Composition analysis
      • Aerobic Capacity analysis
      • Musculoskeletal analysis
    • Individual Exercise Prescription
    • Supervised exercise training* in the fitness center 2 x’s a week for up to 4 weeks (*Individual or small groups up to 3ppl/group)
    • Follow up assessment/evaluation
  • Trainers for this program are 3rd and 4th year Exercise Science Practicum Students
  • Trainers will consult with and are critiqued by Exercise Science Faculty throughout

Policies and Procedures

  1. Participants/clients register on a google form for the current training period: Spring ‘17- I.
  2. Clients are assigned to a trainer on a first come/first serve basis.
  3. Each personal trainer will be assigned up to (3) clients.
  4. Sign up for day/time in the schedule that you will be available for 4-6 weeks. You will be asked to choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of training day/times based on the trainer schedule list provided on the registration form.
  5. You will be contacted (via Adelphi email) by the trainer assigned to you within 1-2 business days regarding;
    1. Your assigned day/time
    2. Information about your first session (which will be your fitness evaluation)
    3. Attire
  6. All participants will be asked to
    1. Be on time!
    2. Communicate clearly with your trainer
    3. Attend all scheduled sessions
  7. Once you register to participate in the Adelphi Introductory Personal Training Program, there is the expectation of a commitment on your part to attend the fitness evaluation as well as the have consistent attendance at the training sessions for the entire four weeks.
  8. If a client misses the evaluation (or two sessions), they will be removed from the program and replaced by someone on the waiting list.
  9. Following your Introductory Personal Training Program (up to four weeks of training), you will receive a follow-up assessment regarding your progress.
  10. Trainers Bios: All current trainers will have their pictures and bios posted on the Recreational Fitness Center bulletin board.
  11. Feedback on this program is welcomed and encouraged! 

For further information, please contact:

Gudrinis Fernandez
Campus Recreation Graduate Assistant
p – 516.877.4274
e –

Campus Recreation
Woodruff Hall, Room 240
p – 516.877.4242
e –

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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