
Strengthening alumni connections and advancing fundraising and the Derner Institute as a whole.

Strengthening alumni connections and advancing fundraising and the Derner Institute as a whole are the priorities of a new Derner Advisory Council comprised of Ph.D. alumni, faculty members and Institute leaders.

“Our first goal is to foster a better sense of connectedness among the people who constitute the Derner community—the faculty, current students and alumni,” Derner Advisory Council Chair William Nye, Ph.D. ’81, said.

Keeping the Institute at the forefront of its field requires investment. “No quality educational institution in this country thrives without alumni support,” Dr. Nye said. “That’s just essential.” He stresses Derner graduate students’ ongoing need for financial assistance.

Dr. Nye also points out that alumni support strengthens the value of a Derner degree. “As alumni, it’s in our best interest to help Derner maintain its reputation,” he said. “It’s part of our background. It’s part of our credentials. It’s part of who we are.”

The council is now focused on its first initiative: to encourage Derner alumni to support the Patrick Ross Fellowship Fund and attend a celebration commemorating Professor Patrick Ross’ retirement on April 29, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Chelsea Piers’ Sunset Terrace in New York City.

In the future, the council looks forward to hosting alumni social events as well as receptions tied to cultural programs, such as the Institute’s annual Lindemann Lecture in Human Development. The council also plans to create opportunities to mentor and network with current Derner students.

This piece appeared in the Derner eNews Spring 2012 edition.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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