
President Scott in Garden City Patch, Youth Poet Laureate Justin Long-Moton '15, CHI Symposium, “Assuring the Continuum of Care in Emergency Situations," Alumni News

Adelphi University President Dr. Robert A. Scott described how colleges and universities have evolved to meet the needs of students and society in an editorial that appeared in the Garden City Patch. President Scott explained that, “Institutions of higher education are creators of the new, whether new professionals or new medicines and technology, as well as curators of the past and critics of the status quo by asking “why?” and “why not?””

As part of Black History Month, Adelphi student Justin Long-Moton ’15, a 2011 Youth Poet Laureate, will perform at Spoken Word Poetry Night, an event sponsored by Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth. The event will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 26, at The Center, Garden City.

On Tuesday, February 12, several news outlets, including FiOS1 News provided coverage for the Center for Health Innovation’s Inaugural Symposium, “Assuring the Continuum of Care in Emergency Situations.” Professionals from the medical field led the discussion on how residents and local and government agencies can better coordinate during emergency response situations. Results of the second CHI Poll which surveyed mental health professionals were announced at the Symposium.

In alumni news, sales and marketing expert Joe Gaeta ’87 was appointed general manager of The Benjamin, a luxury hotel in Midtown Manhattan. The promotion was announced in Hotel Business Review. Michael Berthel ’08, M.A. ’11 senior assistant director at Adelphi’s Center for Student Involvement was named among “Ones to watch in Education” by Long Island Business News

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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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