
On August 20th, 2019, in preparation for move in week Public Safety Captain Dennis O’Connell and Lieutenant James Smith conduct kickoff National Campus Safety Awareness Month early with a hostile intruder and fire safety training for the Residence Life staff.

On August 20th, 2019, in preparation for move in week Public Safety Captain Dennis O’Connell and Lieutenant James Smith conduct kickoff National Campus Safety Awareness Month early with a hostile intruder and fire safety training for the Residence Life staff.

Although the probability of such an incident occurring on campus is low, preparedness is important for survival in a hostile intruder incident. The training provides an overview of Hostile Intruder events, details the Universities Run, Hide, Fight Guidelines, and highlights the various preparedness and mitigation efforts the Department has taken to protect the Adelphi Community. The lecture is designed to leave the audience feeling confident on what actions to take, and recognize their ability to survive a Hostile Intruder event occurring on the grounds of the University.  For more information see the Emergency Operation Plan Section 6: Hostile Intruders & Lockdowns or visit

The Fire Safety program holds trainings for all students and staff living or working in on-campus residence halls at the beginning of each semester. These programs are designed to familiarize everyone with the fire safety system in each residence hall, train everyone on the procedures to be followed in case there is a fire, and distribute information on the University’s fire safety policies. For more information on visit

Working together as a community, we will continue to ensure a safe environment for everyone at Adelphi University.


For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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