
The Office of Information Technology wants you to have a great fall semester at Adelphi University. To improve the wide range of services we provide, IT has made several upgrades to the technology available for your use:

AU2Go Mobile
Students will be able to go mobile this semester when submitting course/instructor evaluations. Instructions will be available closer to evaluation time at the end of November.

The CLASS2Go section of Adelphi’s mobile app was enhanced to include “My Schedule” which enables faculty to see their weekly course schedule with time, location, and more. Students can view their course schedules, instructor’s name and email address, and search the Course Directory.

Wireless Network and Bandwidth Improvements
The wireless network now features 330 access points for coverage. Wireless coverage in the Science Building was tripled and access points in Hagedorn, Swirbul Library and Eddy Hall were upgraded to the latest versions. Internet bandwidth increased from 294 to 494 Mb/s. We also upgraded the campus WAN link to Manhattan from 10 to 100 Mb/s.

If you encounter an area on campus that has weak coverage, please notify us at with the specific location and time of your connectivity issue.

Additional Google Services
In the next week, you will have access to additional Google Apps through your Adelphi Google account. These include Blogger, Reader, Picasa, YouTube, and Google+.

Workshops from Adelphi IT
Faculty and staff can become more familiar with Adelphi’s technology services by attending our one-hour workshops this fall on Google Mail, Calendar, and Docs, offered at beginner and intermediate levels. We also offer sessions on Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Mail Merge.

For students, we also have technology workshops led by IT student workers at least once per week.

Faculty Profiles
Faculty are now able to add more entries about their experience and research to their public profiles using the Faculty Profile Manager. This gives you the opportunity to list additional books, chapters, articles, presentations, conferences, artistic/creative works, and more. While the display will still feature 10 entries, you can prioritize which ones you want to appear and change it as needed.

Chat Online with the IT Help Desk
At the end of the spring semester, IT implemented a Live Chat Support service as an alternate way to contact the HelpDesk for technical support. If you have not tried it out yet, we encourage you to try this method of contacting us the next time you need technical help. See the Geek Speak Blog for details.

Installed new digital phones for all faculty who had older analog units. Enhanced features include an LCD display with caller ID, message indicator light, speed dial, volume control, mute, hold, transfer, conference calling, hands-free speakerphone, dial by name directory, and more. See phone user guides.

Website Redesigns
New websites for AUPAC and the Manhattan Center were launched over the summer. Many more, including the Information Technology website, are near completion to be launched this fall.

Tablet Initiatives
IT worked with the School of Education Technology Committee to provide tablets to 23 faculty members who submitted proposals for using tablets in their instruction this semester. Does your school or college have a faculty technology committee? If not, check out this video to see how the School of Education Technology Committee works.

Upgrades to Campus Labs
Network Technicians have replaced the following computers with new Dell high performance GX790 “I5” Quad core models:

  • Hudson Valley
  • Manhattan Center lab 270
  • Manhattan Center lab 271
  • Swirbul 100
  • All classrooms with technology, including the mobile cart with 24 laptops, received an updated image and operating system.
  • The general access computer stations in Swirbul Library Infocommons, UC commuter lounge, and Woodruff Hall lounge were enhanced with new images as well.


  • Created (6) new multimedia classrooms, each with a projection system, PC workstation, laptop connectivity, internet access and whiteboard surfaces.
    • Science rooms 204, 308 and 309
    • Manhattan rooms 248 and 251
    • Hauppauge room 4
  • Installed multimedia technology in Woodruff 176 conference room.
  • Installed/integrated SMARTboard in the Performing Arts Center room 054.
  • Replaced/upgraded projectors in the following rooms with high-definition units:
    • Hagedorn Hall rooms 200, 204, 213, 215, 216, 218 and 220.
    • Harvey Hall rooms, 102, 104 and 107.
    • Post Hall room 202
    • Earle Hall rooms 101, 103, and 108.

Find a list of lab hardware and software at:

Upcoming Projects

  • IT & FCPE will evaluate software solutions that will enable students to create rich, dynamic ePortfolios to showcase their projects and activities. If you are a faculty advisor who would like to be an early adopter in using this with your students, please email us at
  • Implementation of the Windows 7 operating system has begun on campus and will continue over the academic year.
  • IT (along with the Provost’s and Registrar’s Offices) is pursuing a new online course catalog and a more efficient solution for how courses and programs are developed and integrated across all Adelphi online services.
  • The latest improvements to Moodle are being tested for implementation this academic year. Features will include a mobile-optimized version.

Here are some tips and tools that can help you as you use technology throughout the semester.

Laptop Best Practices
Learn how to keep your work or personal laptop in optimal condition with some tips from our experts.

Online Video Tutorials
We have extensive online training resources that have been updated to include the latest releases of Microsoft Office 2010, Google Docs, Moodle and many more. It offers short video tutorials on software applications for both PC and Mac and Adelphi has licenses for all faculty and students.

Microsoft Home Use Program (HUP)
Adelphi employees are eligible to purchase a licensed copy of most Microsoft Office applications to use on a home PC or Mac for a minimal cost via the Microsoft Home Use Program. Read the offer details and purchase instructions:

Free Software to Download
For links to free software downloads and shareware, go to

Safe Computing
For tips on how to prevent becoming a victim of phishing and viruses, please go to

The Office of Information Technology is continuing our efforts to provide the highest level of technology and support. We look forward to working with you and always welcome your feedback.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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