
Our faculty have been very busy with their research and other activities. Find out what they've been working on.

Professor Raysa Amador attended the Association of Department of Foreign Languages Summer Seminar, George Mason University, Arlington, VA from June 3-7, 2015. During the Spring 2015 semester, she was a consultant for the Center for Integrated Language Communities, Language at the Community College Nexus research project. Professor Amador’s paper on “The Female Body as a Marker: Cristina Garcia and Judith Ortiz Cofer” was accepted for the 65th Meeting of the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, College of Charleston, October 15-17, 2015.

Professor Regina Axelrod attended the International Studies Association Conference on February 18, 2015 in New Orleans, LA, where she was a discussant on the panel, “North/South Relations in Climate Change Negotiations: Old Refrains or New Strains?”

Professor Rakesh Gupta was a participant in the CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar, “Globalization and European Integration”, (Brussels & Amsterdam) in June 2015. He advised and accompanied Adelphi international student teams to present “East Meets West — Vietnam” (November 2014) and “East Meets West — China” (March 2015) at Wantagh High School in Wantagh, NY. In April 2015, Professor Gupta presented “Transition from High School to College” to high school students. He was an AACSB Accreditation mentor to Mississippi College, and he was a referee for the Journal of Busi-ness Ethics, Value Creation Journal, and Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research.

Professor Huajing Hu, with Wencang Zhou and Michael Zey, recently published an article titled “Team Composition of New Venture Founding Teams: Does Personality Matter?” for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research in 2015.

Professor Katie Laatikainen was the only American academic to participate in the international workshop “The EU at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA): Evaluation and Performance,” hosted by the Athens University of Economics and Business from 12-15 February, 2015. She presented her chapter “The EU Delegation at the UN: A Debut of High Political Drama” at the workshop. Professor Laatikainen also attended the International Studies Association conference in New Orleans 19-20 February 2015 and served as a discussant on the European International Studies panel, “The EU, the Rising Rest and the Multilateral System: A Decade Dealing With the Power Transition.”

Professor Yun Lee attended the Antecedents and Satisfaction Consequences of Flow in E-Commerce. AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference, Coral Gables, FL March 4-7th, 2015.

Professor Traci Levy has been working on two article manuscripts—one about the family policies and growing language of care used to discuss U.S. service members and their families, another (co-authored with Prof. Deborah Little) about “caresharing” in the parenting practices of families with a disabled parent. Prof. Levy presented another paper co-authored with Prof. Little, “Disability and the Right to Care of the Self,” at the Society for the Study of Social Problems’ annual meeting in August 2015. Prof. Levy is Chair of the Political Science Department, Director of the Gender Studies Program, and serves on the steering committee of the Collaboration Project.

Professor Nicole Rudolph’s book, At Home in Postwar France: Modern Mass Housing and the Right to Comfort, was published in March 2015 by Berghahn Books (Oxford / New York). A Q-and-A about her book can be found here. In April 2015, she presented a paper, “What Can History Professors Learn from the Foreign Language Classroom?” at the Society for French Historical Studies annual meeting in Colorado Springs, CO. In addition to teaching for the IS program, Professor Rudolph also team-taught a graduate course in the MFA program on “Major Motifs in Literature: Dwelling and Displacement” during the Spring 2015 semester. She currently serves as Director of the International Studies program, Director of the European Studies minor and directed two Honors College theses last year. She was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in June 2015.

Professor Rakhel Villamil-Acera attended the Symposium in Honor of Professor Dru Dougherty at the University of California at Berkeley on February 13, 2015. At the end of April, she delivered a paper, “Cuernos y matrimonios de conveniencia o cuando la tragedia es risible”, at the Northeast Modern Language Association in Toronto, Canada. Her article “Discurso cómico y discursos grotescos en las tragedias grotescas de Carlos Arniches” appeared in Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística, #9, 2014.

This piece appeared in the International Studies Program Newsletter September 1, 2015 edition.

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