
A comprehensive listing of faculty scholarship and research.

Jacques Barber and Christopher Muran, with K.S. McCarthy and R.J. Keefe, cowrote the book chapter, “Research on Psychodynamic Therapies” in Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, Sixth Edition, p. 443–494 (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013). Dr. Barber, with J. Magnativa, A.D. Powers and T.G. Oltmanns, authored the book chapter, “Personality Disorders” in Psychopathology: Bridging the Gap Between Basic Empirical Findings and Clinical Practice, p. 275–318 (New York: Guilford Press, 2013). He wrote the following articles: with L. Sockol and C.N. Epperson, “Preventing Postpartum Depression: A Meta-Analytic Review” in Clinical Psychology Review, 33 (8), p. 1205–1217, 2013; with B. Vinnars and S. Dixon, “Pragmatic Psychodynamic Psychotherapy— Bridging Contemporary Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice and Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Practice” in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 33, p. 567–583, 2013; with U. Dinger, S. Zilcha- Mano, K.S. McCarthy and M. Barrett, “Interpersonal Problems as Predictors of Alliance, Symptomatic Improvement and Premature Termination in Treatment of Depression” in the Journal of Affective Disorders, 151, p. 800–803, 2013; with S. Winter, “Should Treatment for Depression Be Based More on Patient Preferences?” in Patient Preference and Adherence, 7, p. 1–11, 2013; with R.D. Markin and K.S. McCarthy, “Transference, Countertransference, Emotional Expression, and Session Quality Over the Course of Supportive Expressive Therapy: The Raters’ Perspective” in Psychotherapy Research, 23, p. 152–168, 2013; with B. Sharpless, “Predictors of Program Performance on the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP)” in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44, p. 208–217, 2013; and, with S. de Maat, F. de Jonghe, R. de Kraker, F. Leichsenring, A. Abbass, P. Luyten, R. Van and J. Dekker, “Current State of the Empirical Evidence for Psychoanalysis: A Meta-Analytic Approach” in Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 21, p. 107–137, 2013. He presented the following: “Treatments for Depression” at the 64th Meeting of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine and the German Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2013; “Studying the Efficacy of Dynamic Therapy for Depression: Challenges and Some Answers” at the Department of Clinical Psychology Colloquium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, March 2013; “A Bit About the Efficacy of Dynamic Therapy for Depression and Its Mechanisms” at the Symposium on Short-Term Psychotherapy for Depression: Broadening the Field of Efficacy Research, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2013; “Plenary Talk on Research on Dynamic Psychotherapies,” “What Does a Researcher Learn from Expert Psychodynamic Clinicians? In Plenary Session: Researchers and Clinicians Learning from Each Other About Change Processes and Outcomes,” “Structured Discussion on Psychotherapy Researchers and Clinicians Meet the TV Series, In Treatment,” “Evaluating the Effectiveness of STPP with Children, Adolescents and Adults,” “How Do Client- Therapist Relationships and Therapist’s Interventions Influence Outcome in Different Psychotherapies?” “New Developments on Therapist Factors,” and, with U. Dinger, S. Zilcha-Mano, K.S. McCarthy, B.L. Milrod and D. Chambless, “Alliance and Techniques in Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder” at the International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Brisbane, Australia, July 2013; and “RCTs and Their Validities in Psychotherapy Research: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” at the Meeting on Conflicting Validities in Psychotherapy and Mental Health Research, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and University of Bern, Weggis, Switzerland, August 2013.

Dana Boccio, with A.M. Macari, wrote “Fostering Worth and Belonging: Applying the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide to the Workplace” in the Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 28 (3), p. 234–245, 2013. She also published, with H. Jennings, “The Current Status of Graduate Training in Suicide Risk Assessment” in Psychology in the Schools, 50 (1), p. 72–86, 2013. Dr. Boccio gave the following presentations: “Best Practices in the Assessment of Youth Suicide Risk” at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA , February 2013, and, with E. McDonough, “On the Frontline: Providing Future School Psychologists with Field Experiences in the Assessment of Suicide Risk” at the 26th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL, March 2013.

Robert Bornstein, with M. Languirand, published How to Age in Place: Planning for a Happy, Independent, and Financially Secure Retirement (Berkeley: TenSpeed Press, 2013). He wrote two book chapters: with C. Denckla and W. Chung, “Psychodynamic Models of Personality” in the Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 5, p. 43–64 (New York: Wiley, 2013), and, with N. Becker-Matero, “Metaphor and Psychodynamic Research” in Metaphors and Fields, p. 92–103 (London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2013). He wrote “Combining Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Perspectives on Personality Pathology” in the Journal of Personality Disorders, 27, p. 296–302, 2013.

Laura Brumariu wrote three articles: with P. Pechtel, L. Murray and K. Lyons- Ruth, “Reactivity, Regulation, and Reward Responses to Infant Cues Among Mothers With and Without Psychopathology: An fMRI Review” in Translational Developmental Psychiatry, 1, p. 1–17, 2013; with K.A. Kerns, “Pathways to Anxiety: Contributions of Attachment, Temperament, Peer Competence, and Emotion Regulation” in Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 4, p. 504–515, 2013; and, with I. Obsuth, K. Hennighausen and K. Lyons-Ruth, “Disorganized Behavior in Adolescent- Parent Interaction: Relations to Attachment State of Mind, Partner Abuse, and Psychopathology” in Child Development, published online on April 28, 2013.

Jean Lau Chin wrote the book chapter, with J. Ancis, “Commentary to: Relishing the Diversity Within and Without: A Journey with Many Influences” in Embracing Culture: From Mainstream to Multiculturalism, p. 223–238 (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2013). She wrote “Diversity Leadership: Influence of Ethnicity, Gender, and Minority Status” in the Open Journal of Leadership, 2, p. 1–10, 2013. She presented “The Diversity of Research Across Psychology” at the Symposium at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Houston, TX, January 2013, and “Diversity Leadership Summit” at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, August 2013.

Francine Conway published the following book chapters: with N. Consedine, “Orienting to the Positive: A Practice Framework for Grandparent Caregiving” in Resilient Grandparent Caregivers: A Strength-Based Perspective, p. 167–183 (New York: Routledge, 2013), and, with J. Durham, “Shame as an Accelerator for the Cycle of Underachievement of African American Latency Age Boys” in The Psychology of Black Boys and Adolescents (Westport: Praeger Press, 2013). She and Katherine Fiori, with C. Magai, S. Jones and M. Gillespie, cowrote “A Six-Year Follow- Up Study of Social Network Changes Among African- American, Caribbean and US-Born Caucasian Urban Older Adults” in the International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 76 (1), p. 1–27, 2013. Dr. Conway also wrote the following: “The Use of Empathy and Transference as Interventions in Psychotherapy with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Latency-Aged Boys” in Psychotherapy, published online on September 23, 2013, and, with J. McCarthy and P. Talreja, “Thought and Language Disorder Among Sexually Abused Hospitalized Children” in Psychological Reports, 112 (2), p. 340–352, 2013.

Rebecca Curtis presented “Comments on Perls’ Interview with Gloria” at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.

Jennifer Durham wrote the book chapter, “Promoting Social Justice by Addressing Barriers to Academic Success” in School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual Foundations and Tools for Practice, p. 189–205 (New York: Routledge Press, 2013). She published “School Based Microaggressions: Implications for Socially Just School Psychology Practice” in The School Psychologist, 67, p. 32–34, 2013. She presented “Community Engagement: Applying What We Know” at the American Psychological Association’s National Conference, Honolulu, HI, August 2013.

Elsa Ermer published the following articles: with L.M. Cope, E. Nyalakanti, V. Calhoun and K. Kiehl, “Paralimbic Gray Matter Reductions in Incarcerated Adolescent Females with Psychopathic Traits” in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, published online on October 25, 2013; with D. Brevers, X. Noël, D. Dabiri, P. Verbanck and C. Kornreich, “Unfairness Sensitivity and Social Decision-Making in Individuals with Alcohol Dependence: A Preliminary Study” in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133 (2), p. 772–775, 2013, and, with C. Kornreich, D. Brevers, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella and X. Noël, “Polysubstance Dependent Patients Display a More Utilitarian Profile in Moral Decision-Making Than Alcohol-Dependent Patients, Depressive Patients, and Controls” in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 132 (3), p. 434–440, 2013; with L.M. Cope, P.K. Nyalakanti, V.D. Calhoun and K.A. Kiehl, “Aberrant Paralimbic Gray Matter in Incarcerated Male Adolescents with Psychopathic Traits” in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, p. 94–103, 2013; and, with C. Kornreich, D. Brevers, D. Canivet, C. Naranjo, E. Constant, P. Verbanck, S. Campanella and X. Noël, “Impaired Processing of Emotion in Music, Faces, and Voices Supports a Generalized Emotional Decoding Deficit in Alcoholism” in Addiction, 108, p. 80–88, 2013. She presented, with J. Greene and K. Kiehl, “Abnormal Moral Judgments in Psychopathy” at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Miami, FL, July 2013.

Katherine Fiori wrote the following: with N.S. Consedine, “Positive and Negative Social Exchanges and Mental Health Across the Transition to College: Loneliness as a Mediator” in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, p. 921–942, 2013; with N.S. Consedine and N.L. Tuck, “Attachment and Healthcare Utilization Among Middle-Aged and Older African-Descent Men: Dismissiveness Predicts Less Frequent Digital Rectal Examination and Prostate Specific Antigen Screening” in the American Journal of Men’s Health, 7, p. 382–393, 2013; with N.S. Consedine, C.A. Denckla and A.J. Vingerhoets, “Crying in Context: Associations with Interpersonal Dependency and Social Networks” in Interpersonal: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 7, p. 44–62, 2013; with N.S. Consedine, N.L. Tuck and E. Merz, “Attachment, Activity Limitation, and Health Symptoms in Later Life: The Mediating Roles of Positive and Negative Affect and Emotion Regulation” in the Journal of Aging and Health, 25, p. 56–79, 2013; and, with T.D. Windsor, E.L. Pearson and D.A. Crisp, “Can Positive Social Exchanges Buffer the Detrimental Effects of Negative Social Exchange? Age and Gender Differences” in Gerontology, 59, p. 40–52, 2013. She gave two presentations: with J. Singer, “The Interplay of Physical and Emotional Dependency in Older Adults” at the Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, Reno, NV, April 2013, and, with J. Buthmann, “Attachment Style Moderates the Association Between Relationship Status Change and Mental Health” at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, May 2013.

Jairo Fuertes wrote, with C.J. Gelso, J.J. Owen and D. Cheng, “Real Relationship, Working Alliance, Transference/Countertransference and Outcome in Time-Limited Counseling and Psychotherapy” in Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 26 (3–4), p. 294–312, 2013. He gave the following presentations: with A. Hoffman, “College Students’ Drinking Rates: A Startling and Sustained Trend” at the Annual Conference of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, May 2013; with C.J. Gelso, J.J. Owen and D. Cheng, “Measuring Countertransference Using the ICB” and, with J. Mohr and T.I. Stracuzzi, “Transference and Insight in Gay and Bisexual Male Clients: The Role of Sexual Identity Integration Level” at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, October 2013; and, with C.J. Gelso, J.J. Owen and D. Cheng, “The Tripartite Model and the Outcome of Brief Time- Limited Therapy” at the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Meeting, Memphis, TN, October 2013.

Jerold Gold, with G. Stricker, published the book chapter, “Psychotherapy Integration and Integrative Psychotherapies” in the Handbook of Psychology, Second Edition, Volume 8: Clinical Psychology, p. 702–742 (New York: Wiley, 2013).

Lawrence Josephs published the book chapter, “The Challenge of Mentalizing Sexual Betrayal” in The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Mentalizing Tales of Dating and Marriage, (London: Routledge, 2013). He and Joel Weinberger cowrote “Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” in the Handbook of Psychology, Volume 8, p. 265–290 (Hoboken: Wiley, 2013). He presented the following: with L. Tittel, “It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It: How Communication Styles Impact Empathy During Sexual Conflict” at the Spring Meeting of the Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, April 2013; and, with C. Huttner, “Borderline Personality, Abandonment, and Splitting” and, with A. Bruckheit, “Introversion and Extroversion and Its Relationship to Mate Preferences” at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, University of La Crosse, La Crosse, WI, April 2013.

Mark Hilsenroth and Joel Weinberger, with M.J. Diener and J.M. Monroe, cowrote the book chapter, “A Primer on Meta-Analysis of Correlation Coefficients: The Relation Between Patient-Reported Therapeutic Alliance and Adult Attachment” in Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Psychotherapy Research, p. 126–137 (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2013). Dr. Hilsenroth published the following articles: with D. Seigel, “Process and Technique Factors Associated with Patient Ratings of Session Safety During Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” in the American Journal of Psychotherapy, 67 (3), p. 257–276, 2013; with J. Monroe, M. Diener, J.C. Fowler and J. Sexton, “Criterion Validity of the Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale: A Meta-Analytic Review” in Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30, p. 535–566, 2013; with F. Leichsenring, A. Abbass, P. Luyten and S. Rabung, “The Emerging Evidence of Long-Term Psychodynamic Therapy” in Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 41, p. 361–384, 2013; and, with J. Owen and E. Rodolfa, “Interaction Among Alliance, Psychodynamic– Interpersonal and Cognitive–Behavioral Techniques in the Prediction of Post-Session Change” in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 20 (6), p. 513–522, 2013. He and Katherine Fiori cowrote, with K. Capps and A. Mullin, “Patient Crying in Psychotherapy: Who Cries, and Why?” in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, published online on December 12, 2013. He and Jerold Gold, with R. Goldman and J. Owen, copublished “Psychotherapy Integration and Alliance: Use of Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques Within a Short- Term Psychodynamic Treatment Model” in the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 23 (4), p. 373–385, 2013. Dr. Hilsenroth gave two presentations: “Adherence and Competence Measurement” at the Department of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, May 2013, and “Beyond the Brand: What Makes Psychotherapy Work?” at the American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Memphis, TN, October 2013.

Joy McClure wrote two articles in the Journal of Personality: with J.A. Bartz and J.E. Lydon, “Uncovering and Overcoming Ambivalence: The Role of Chronic and Contextually Activated Attachment in Two-Person Social Dilemmas,” 81, p. 103–117, 2013, and, with J.H. Xu, J.P. Craw, S.P. Lane, N. Bolger and P.E. Shrout, “Understanding the Costs of Support Transactions in Daily Life,” published online on October 21, 2013.

Robert Mendelsohn published “‘Playing’ with the Couple’s Projective Identifications: Paradigmatic Psychotherapy with Couples” in Psychoanalytic Review, 100 (5), p. 741–766, 2013.

Christopher Muran, with S. Tufekcioglu, J.D. Safran and A. Winston, wrote “Personality Disorder and Early Therapeutic Alliance in Two Time-Limited Therapies” in Psychotherapy Research, 23 (6), p. 646–657, 2013.

Lars Ross published the following: with I.R. Olson, D. McCoy and E. Klobusicky, “Social Cognition and the Anterior Temporal Lobes: A Review and Theoretical Framework” in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8 (2), p. 123–133, 2013; with R. Bell, J.J. Foxe and H. Garavan, “Intact Inhibitory Control Processes in Abstinent Drug Abusers (I): A Functional Neuroimaging Study in Former Cocaine Addicts” in Neuropharmacology, published online on March 6, 2013; with J.J. Foxe, S. Molholm, V.A. DelBene, H. Frey, N. Russo, D. Blanco and D. Saint- Amour, “Severe Multisensory Integration Deficits in High-Functioning School- Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Their Resolution During Early Adolescence” in Cerebral Cortex, published online on August 28, 2013.

Ionas Sapountzis presented the following: “From Alien States to Shared Experiences: Getting to Know Oneself and Others Through Dreams” at the Open House Conference for Professionals Working with Children and Adults with Autism, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, June 2013; “Not Measuring Up: The Trauma of Feeling Not ‘Good Enough’” at the Gunawirra Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2013; and “The Failure to Understand as a Transitional Space” at the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Sydney, Australia, August 2013.

Carolyn Springer gave the following presentations: “Obesity Prevention: How Weight Matters” at the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY, March 2013; with R. Chhabra and N. Teitelman, “Substance Use and Intention for Future Use in Adolescents After an HIV Alcohol Prevention Program” at the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA, May 2013; “Bridging the Gap: Improving Health Communications Between African Americans and Health Care Providers” at the Society for Community Research and Action, Miami, FL, June 2013; and, with R. Chhabra and N. Shrama, “School-Based HIV Prevention Program with Youth in India” at the International Congress of Pediatrics, Melbourne, Australia, August 2013.

Kate Szymanski wrote, with A. Sanders, “Having a Mentally Ill Sibling: Implications for Attachment with Parental Figures” in Social Work in Mental Health, 11 (6), p. 516–529, 2013. She and Carolyn Springer, with C. Goldstein, copresented “TAT as an Implicit Assessment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents” at the Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, CA, March 2013. Dr. Szymanski also gave the following presentations: with M. Jones, C. Craver-Lemley and A. McCue, “Enhanced Object Imagery in ADD/ ADHD” at the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC, May 2013, and, with M. Stroinska and S. Sawyer, “The Use of Metaphors in Analysing Trauma Narratives” at the International Pragmatics Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, September 2013.

This piece appeared in the Erudition 2014 edition.


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