
A comprehensive listing of faculty scholarship and creative work in 2012.

Patricia Donohue-Porter published the book chapter, “Narratives of Courage: The Voice of Clients in Community Health Nursing” in Community Health: An Alliance for Health, p. 123–143 (Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012). She also published “Creating a Culture of Shared Governance Begins with Developing the Nurse as Scholar” in Creative Nursing, 11 (18), p. 160–167, 2012; “Nursing’s Role in Courage Development in Patients Facing Complications of Diabetes” in the Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30 (3), 2012; and, with Lily Thomas, “Blending Evidence and Innovation: Improving Intershift Handoffs in a Multihospital Setting” in the Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 27 (2), p. 116–124, 2012. She presented “Courage Development: Connections to Caring Between Nurse and Patient” at the International Conference on Human Caring, Philadelphia, PA, June 2012.

Maryann Forbes and Jane White copublished “Using Boyer to Create a Culture of Scholarship: Outcomes from a Faculty Development Program” in the Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2 (3), p. 54–65, 2012.

Stephen Holzemer and Marilyn Klainberg coedited Community Health: An Alliance for Nursing, Second Edition (Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012). They also coauthored two chapters in the book: “Flexibility and Systems for Care Management for Providing Care in the Community,” p. 223–229, and “Justice and Resource Allocation for the Family and Community,” p. 242–257.

Marilyn Klainberg presented “How, What and Why of Research” at Good Samaritan Hospital, Melville, NY, October 2012.

Janet Raman presented, with J. Bryer and F. Cherkis, “A Survey Analysis: Health Promotion Behaviors of Undergraduate Nursing Students” at both the seventh annual Research Symposium, Dowling College, Brookhaven, NY, April 2012, and Elsevier/Mosby’s Faculty Development Institute, Las Vegas, NV, January 2012.

Maureen Roller published “Motivators and Barriers to Exercise Adherence” in Nursing & Residential Care, 14 (9), p. 482–485. She and Helen Ballestas copresented “Cultural Competency in Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Students” at the One Voice International Conference for Educators, Rye Brook, NY, November 2012. At the same conference, Dr. Roller also presented “POGIL: Process-Oriented Guided- Inquiry Learning in Nursing Education.” She presented “POGIL: What Is It and Is It Applicable to Nursing Education?” at the 37th National Association of Hispanic Nurses Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2012.

Joan Valas presented “Vulnerable Populations and Ethical Decision- Making: Strategies for the Nurse Practitioner” at the Nurse Practitioner Association of New York State’s annual conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 2012.

Jane White wrote the book chapter “Eating Disorders” in Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice, p. 492–523 (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2012).

This piece appeared in the Erudition 2013 edition.

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