
City Limits has published an op-ed penned by Adelphi’s Elizabeth Palley, Ph.D., professor of social work, discussing how more childcare rules can cause more harm than good in regards to New York City’s 2012 EarlyLearn initiative.

City Limits has published an op-ed penned by Adelphi’s Elizabeth Palley, Ph.D., professor of social work, discussing how more childcare rules can cause more harm than good in regards to New York City’s 2012 EarlyLearn initiative.

She explains that providing rigid regulatory requirements without improving access to training and increasing funding for care will not improve the quality of care but instead limit access for parents, particularly low-income parents, and force many homecare providers to give up providing home-based care. 

Palley also goes into detail stating that her research has found that many of the regulations put in by the 2012 EarlyLearn initiative do not work including Center-based regulations that cannot be easily extended to family providers who are working in their homes.

Examples include how never letting kids out of your sight can limit a solo provider’s ability to do things like go to the bathroom, how solo providers working 10- to 15-hour days don’t have enough time away from children to work on planning and how many providers are not reimbursed for after-hours care when parents have to work late.      

Read the full op-ed at City Limits.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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