
Log in to Adelphi's eCampus portal and you'll see changes to help you make better use of features.

Log in to Adelphi’s eCampus portal and you’ll see some changes to help you make better use of previously available features, as well as some new and improved tools.

eCampus features now include:

  • A clean, minimalist design that feels more like the rest of Adelphi’s site.

  • The banners advertisements at the top now fade in and out rather than scroll to the left, for a more fluid experience.
  • An improved login interface:
    Log in directly from the Welcome screen rather than having to click through to a second login page.


ecampus-top-navigation The top navigation has changed, with Services now as the second tab. A link back to the AU homepage is on the far right.


The right column on the “My eCampus” page is customizable. You can add, remove, restack portlets in that section.

  • The QuickLinks portlet can be used to  quickly access important web pages that you frequently use. Delete links you don’t want to see, and add ones that you want.

  • An optional notes portlet where you can leave reminder messages for yourself.

  • An optional Facebook portlet where you can log in to your account and keep up with friends’ newsfeeds.

To add a portlet to your right columns, Click the Add button on the top left of your eCampus screen.


The number of Favorite Services you can save to your home screen has been increased to 10, so that you can access your most-used services more quickly whenever you log in.

When you’re on the Services, hover over an available service and click the green + icon to add it to your Favorites.



eCampus “Communities” are now called “Intranet Sites.” You can bookmark your most frequently visited Intranet Sites on your My eCampus page.

Each Intranet site has different audiences, so you may see different Intranet sites available to you other people might see when they log in.

When you’re on the Intranet Sites tab, hover over an available site and click the green + icon to add it to your Favorites.


These changes were developed based on feedback from users across Adelphi’s campuses. Thank you for helping to make eCampus better. If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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