
Dan Casale has almost 20 years of entertainment experience at Live Nation.

Dan Casale has almost 20 years of entertainment experience at Live Nation. Starting his career as an accounting intern, he has grown with the company in various finance functions and departments. He was hired as a staff accountant after completing his education as an undergraduate and was then promoted through the past two decades to manager, director, and then to vice president of finance for the Northeast. Currently, Casale is the senior vice president for business development and operations, a role that includes supporting growth within the business through new opportunities and organic development within the company.

Casale graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Adelphi University in 2001 and went on to earn his MBA from Adelphi’s School of Business in 2003 and currently sits on the Alumni Advisory Council. Casale found the internship at LiveNation that turned into a long successful career through the university.

Dan’s Tips for Success and Establishing a Long and Fulfilling Career:

  1. “Try and put yourself in front of as many opportunities as possible, and follow up on them. I had made up my mind not to follow up after applying for my internship because I thought it would be a very competitive position, but no one else had applied, so I got it by default.”
  2. “Don’t be afraid to explore different segments of business, finance or business operations. There are walls that exist between departments that shouldn’t, but don’t let that stop you. It will lead to creating a strong foundation and wellroundedness in the field.”
  3. “It is very important to respect and support your team. The same way that you work in groups in business school is the same way you will work in groups in the real world. Business thrives on good teams.”

Originally published in the Delphian Vol.73 Issue 3 – With updates made by Alumni Relations

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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