Guidance may have evolved. Visit our COVID-19 website for the current information.

Dear Adelphi Colleagues,

We appreciate the efforts of all in our community who are quickly adapting to new policy regulations requiring more of us to work online in order to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Yesterday, those regulations have gone a step further: Governor Cuomo has ordered all nonessential businesses in New York to shift to a 100 percent remote workforce by Sunday, March 22, at 8:00 p.m. While the governor’s mandate does not provide clear guidance for colleges and universities, we have been in regular consultation with local and state health authorities to inform all our decisions. We’ve also been in frequent contact with the Council of Independent Colleges and Universities to review regulation interpretations with institutions throughout the state.

What does this mean for our Adelphi community? 

  • Beginning Monday, March 23, campus access will be restricted to one entrance on South Avenue, located at the Public Safety booth. All individuals will be required to show an Adelphi ID at the time of entry. We all must continue our efforts to shift to a fully remote workforce, allowing only critical essential personnel on-site.
  • Critical essential personnel are those who must be on-site to perform critical jobs, such as Public Safety, Health Services and designated support staff for those students remaining in residence. If you require access to campus to complete a job, please ensure your supervisor and Public Safety have approved your name as designated critical essential personnel.
  • While most of us perform important functions, many of these functions can and must be done remotely with the proper equipment. Given the current coronavirus pandemic and the governor’s executive order, please work directly with your supervisor, your assigned HR Partner and the Office of Information Technology to finalize plans and equipment to allow you to work remotely by Monday, March 23.
  • Finally, if you can work remotely but need to come on campus for an urgent and approved reason, you should remain on campus only for the brief time needed to execute your on-site work. While on campus, we ask you to observe CDC guidelines and employ safe social distancing, frequent handwashing and recommended hygiene. Please ensure permission from your supervisor and Public Safety prior to arriving to campus!

The Office of Human Resources has prepared helpful information to maintain continuity of operations during this time. Please visit Guidance From Human Resources for more information. With this continued shift to a remote workforce, we remind you of the following resources for your success and smooth operations:

We thank you in advance for all you will be doing to comply with this unprecedented mandate. Critical essential personnel who require shuttle transportation from Nassau Blvd LIRR or Mineola LIRR stations are asked to contact Public Safety at 516.877.3511.

Please continue to visit for regularly updated information.

James J. Perrino
Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration

Gene Palma
Chief Administrative Officer and Associate Vice President

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