
Studio 108 will house TV and film production courses as Blodgett Hall continues to take on new life.

Studio 108 will house TV and film production courses as Blodgett Hall continues to take on new life

Green Screen

Studio 108 Greenscreen

The door is about to open. Studio 108. Television production is returning to the Communication Department this coming fall as part of a major expansion in the major and upgrade to Blodgett facilities. Studio 108 Television Production is slated for the fall 2014 semester, and will focus on having students produce news and public affairs programming designed for the department’s new website.The studio will serve as a multipurpose room. In addition to functioning as a TV studio, students will be able to create interior film shoots. Courses such as Web Journalism and Cinematography, along with independent student projects are also expected to make use of the studio. When studio work isn’t in session, the space will revert to a classroom and screening room.

The new course brings back to the department television production that was disbanded in the 1990s when the university was in retrenchment. The new studio will be situated in the very center —classroom 108 in Blodgett Hall — that originally housed the old television facility. The room retains its lighting grid, black curtains and general feel of a working studio.

“In that sense,” says Paul Thaler, department chair, “the rebirth of Studio 108 on a micro level is much like the university at large. Over the past decade Adelphi has forged ahead to create new structures and a real sense of growth. Studio 108 is also such a step in our program development.” Thaler also cites other major projects such as the new ComArt Wall that has helped to create a more dynamic Blodgett Hall facility.

The television production course is scheduled for the upcoming fall semester, Wednesday from 6-8:30 pm. The department is in the process on bringing in an experienced television professional to guide the course. In the meantime, staff and faculty are experimenting with different setups for the space using green screen and movie flats. The project is a collaborative effort. Technical Director Tom Campbell, Jessica Sheehan, the assistant tech director, Ann Terry, Facilities Director, and Professor Joan Stein have devised innovative designs for the space. “Studio 108 is a room that is alive with possibilities,” says Campbell. “It has a long history of housing production classes at Adelphi, from television to film and even radio. I am excited to work with faculty and administration to help bring the room up to its technological and creative potential.”

A new class for this coming fall called Studio 108: Television Production joins other new courses recently introduced to the communications curriculum including New Media, Podcasting, and Animation. Other courses making their debut in the fall:  Arts and Entertainment Reporting and The Social Media.

The fall opening of Studio 108 will be stage one of a larger plan to create a live working studio space. “This is just the next step in revitalizing our program,” says Thaler, who cites a 30 percent growth in the major in the past two years. “There is a growing awareness of what this program has to offer to students, and the larger university community is taking notice.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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