Dear Students,
We at Adelphi want to reconcile with our 124-year history and address the institutionalized racism here, in higher education, and in society.
Institutional racism must be eradicated. To do that, we must first become self-aware and identify the areas for change. Your valued experiences are bringing to light additional processes that require immediate change.
We hear you, Panthers. We see and hear your accounts of racism and implicit bias. We are committed to doing better and welcome your input as we rewrite the future.
While I cannot undo your past experiences, I can lead change throughout our community. To do so, I am asking you all to engage with me and our campus leaders. Silence and disengagement are not productive. Activism and collaboration will hold us accountable for the change that needs to happen.
Please join us tomorrow on Zoom at noon to share your stories during our open forum, “How Racism Impacts the Lives of Our Students.” We will listen to understand. And we will respond with concrete actions to stop these incidents from occurring.
I look forward to working with you.
With gratitude,
Jacqueline Jones LaMon, JD
Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion