
Alumna and author Alice Hoffman '73 talks about the Adelphi University Alice Hoffman Young Writers Retreat during an interview with the Pittsburg Gazette about her latest novel "Faithful".


In an interview with the Pittsburgh Gazette about her latest novel, Faithful, acclaimed author and Adelphi University alumna Alice Hoffman ’73 said, “I help to run and fund a workshop in the summer for juniors in high school at Adelphi University. I’m just really impressed with how much it matters to them. I think there’s nothing like reading. The Harry Potter phenomenon really created readers.”

Hoffman was referring to the Adelphi University Alice Hoffman Young Writers Retreat, an intensive five-day summer writing workshop where high school juniors and their teachers experience the power of arts-based learning through creative writing workshops with Adelphi faculty, accomplished writers and artists, and English education graduate students.

Read the Pittsburgh Gazette article.

Learn more about the Hoffman Young Writers Workshop.

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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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