
Arietta Slade, Ph.D. is completing her 31 years’ tenure as a Professor in the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at the City University of New York, and is moving to the Yale Child Study Center, where she is currently a Visiting Research Scientist. An internationally recognized theoretician, clinician, researcher, and teacher, she has written widely on the clinical implications of attachment theory, the development of parental mentalization, and the relational contexts of early symbolization. For the past 12 years she has been co-directing Minding the Baby, an interdisciplinary reflective parenting home visiting program for high-risk mothers, infants, and their families, at the Yale Child Study Center and School of Nursing; to date, over 200 intervention and control families have been studied. The first wave of results from an NIH funded 5 year randomized clinical trial of Minding the Baby will appear in the Infant Mental Health Journal in 2014. Dr. Slade is also editor, with Dennie Wolf, of Children at Play (Oxford University Press, 1994), with Elliot Jurist and Sharone Bergner, of Mind to Mind: Infant Research, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis (Other Press, 2008), and with Jeremy Holmes of the forthcoming six volume set, Major Work on Attachment (SAGE Publications, 2013).

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