
Success in the real world is a result of the strong work ethic he learned at Adelphi.

Anthony Mongelluzzo has a lot on his plate as an Adelphi senior: he’s president of the Accounting Society, an intern at Clear View Optical, and a part-time customer service representative at Astoria Federal Savings Bank. Next year he will begin graduate school at Adelphi, and he has plans to keep busy then as well.

His successes were the result of the hard work he put in on campus. It was through the Accounting Society that Anthony found internships. “I’m working with and contacting firms at least every week, almost every other day. I’m coordinating meetings and scheduling presentations,” he said. Being the president of the Accounting Society has more benefits than just networking and learning about the field he wants to go into, “I value this now—being able to help other students—I want to give advice and be able to help them. If someone has questions, I want to help.”

Before joining the Accounting Society, Anthony wasn’t sure of his own aspirations. “I started thinking ‘What am I going to do?’ I had to get this process started. I spoke with Brian Rothschild [assistant dean of the School of Business] and he really pushed me,” Anthony said. “He said I should hold a position in the Accounting Society.”

Along with the Accounting Society, Anthony found his push toward his current aspirations from his first accounting class with Professor Leibowitz. “When he taught and gave his lessons, it wasn’t just about what was in the book. He would tell us about what he did, and how [the information] was used. It made me more excited; this was something I wanted to do.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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