
His successful YouTube video, 'In My Mind', has inspired him to write his journey through life dealing with Asperger's/Autism.

The book "In My Mind" by Alex OlinkiewiczMy name is Alex Olinkiewicz. I was born, raised and went to the Shelter Island School, Long Island, New York. I’m a young adult diagnosed with Asperger’s from infancy. My successful YouTube video, In My Mind, has inspired me to write my journey through life dealing with Asperger’s/Autism.

I want to share my experiences and most importantly my message so that I and people like myself with Asperger’s will be treated as equals, and calmly given more respect, and not considered as just plain odd people who want to get their way. And if so, I will be able to help parents and fellow travelers. Then, I’ll finally be understood, and have a break once in a while. 

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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